Sunday, October 30, 2011

What you should know about cervical cancer:you must understand this

Cervical cancer is the second most Trousseau in women worldwide, and remains the main cause of deaths associated with cancer for women in developing countries.The condition usually affects women average age or older, but it can be diagnosed in women of reproductive age. Cervical cancer are classified as either preinvasive where lower third of the epithelium contains abnormal cells, or invasive, in which the full thickness of the epithelium contains abnormally proliferating cells.

Cervical cancer develops in the guards of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb), which enters Vagina. These cancers are not always spread, but those that most often spread to the lungs, liver, bladder, vagina or rectum muscle.

The Reason For The

Cervical cancer develops almost always from the cell changes caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is spread through sexual contact of the skin to the skin during sexual activity. It also seems more prevalent in women who smoke. Sexual activity, which increases the risk of infection with HIV and HPV and cancer of the neck consists of the following: having multiple sexual partners or sex with a partner of unrestricted, the history of the disease is transmitted sexually, sexual at a young age.

The signs and symptoms

Early stages may be completely asymptomatic. Signs of advanced cancer may include: loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, single swollen leg, heavy bleeding from vagina, leaking of urine or faeces from fractures Vagina and bones.


Research of cloacal Papanicolaou (Pap) has been used to screen for pre-cancerous lesions in asymptomatic women over the past 50 years. While the Word orders is an effective screening test, the confirmatory diagnosis of cancer of the neck or pre-cancer requires a biopsy of the cervix. Wewnatrzwydzielnicza cervical biopsy, the precursor to cervical cancer, is often diagnosed on examination of cervical biopsies by a pathologist.

Other risk factors

Women and diets low in fruit and vegetables may be at increased risk. Studies indicate that the risk of cancer of the neck goes up, the longer a woman takes oral contraceptives, but the risk of dating again after OCs are retained. Women who have multiple full term pregnancies have increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

The Prevention Of

Cervical cancer is the easiest to prevent cancer of the female sex, because there is no available vaccine and screening. The vaccine known as Gardasil provides protection from the most dangerous types of HPV, and recently published the results indicate that the new cervical cancer eventually can be reduced by as 97% in those areas where vaccination is implemented and maintained.


The treatment of cancer of the neck depends on the stage of cancer, the size and shape of the tumor, age and General State of health of the woman and her desire to have children in the future. Appropriate approach depends on the precise movements of clinical trials. Stages of preinvasive may be treated to destroy total excisional biopsy, cryosurgery and laser. Therapy of invasive squamous skin may include therapy, Hysterectomy and radiation.

Internal radiation therapy uses device filled with radioactive materials, which is placed inside a woman's Vagina to cervical cancer. Here are some of the medicines used for chemotherapy cancer cervical 5-FU and Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Ifosfamide, Paclitaxel and Cyclophosphamide.

Thirty-five percent of patients with invasive cervical cancer have persistent or recurrent disease after treatment. Recurrent cervical cancer detected in its earliest stages can be treated successfully with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of these three. Interestingly the number of patients reported significant benefits from using the Lifewave patches for pain relief acupuncture and general health.


Chance of 5 years for cancer that has spread inside the cervix walls but not outside the cervix is 92%. However, the 5-year survival rate is steadily decreases as the cancer spreads to other areas. Recently the combined use of Cisplatin and topotecan appear significantly improve survival compared with single-agent Cisplatin. If all stages combined together, the rate of five years is around 73%.

As the cancer metastasizes to other parts of the body, forecast drastically decreases because the treatment of local lesions is generally more effective than whole body treatments such as chemotherapy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What you should know about cervical cancer and HPV women work out

Cervical cancer is a malignant cancer tissue that attack neck (connecting the uterus and Vagina). There are some types of this cancer. The most common types, SCC (Carcinoma squalors), a major cause of cancer of the neck with the percentage of 80-85 percent. HPV infection is the principal in the development of this cancer "trigger".

Other types of cancer, such as adenokarsinoma, a small cell cancer, adenosarcoma, adenosquamos, and other types of Lymphoma, a type of cancer of the neck is rarer and generally not associated with HPV. Different types of cancer of the neck of the latter may not be prevented, such as SCC.

The signs and symptoms

Early stage cancer of the neck are notify bezobjawowych.

Advanced cancer of the neck showed signs of vaginal bleeding back, pain, urinary symptoms such as dyisuria (urine, painful or difficult) and cloudy urine, and digestive disorders such as chronic constipation and tenemus (still feel the tumor, although the movement of the intestines).

In addition, the pain-when intercourse and vaginal discharges is also a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, leg pain, leg swelling and leakage of urine or faeces from the vaginal muscles.

Carcinoma in Situ (CIS or (C))

A smear of Word orders, you can identify cancer in situ (C) in the cervical and treatment can prevent the development of cancer. (C) is a pre-malignant cells is still "in situ" or "spot" and do not move from its original position and does not spread to other parts of the body. Fortunately, in Singapore and other developed countries, the use of cervical scan program has reduced the number of individuals with invasive cervical cancer.

Women are encouraged to perform Pap smear once a year after their first sexual and continue until they have been around 70 years of age. If two or three years, the results are simply the results of Word orders, women may decide to reduce the frequency to two to three years, however, high-risk women (see below) are encouraged to continue it every year.

Not all women with HPV infection to patients with C, and not all women and to cancer of the neck, sick, or (c). Many infections HPV disappear quickly countered by the immune system, like any other infection.

However, certain types of HPV in the cervix, tend to settle for a few years, changes in the genetic input cells from the cervix and causes Dysplasia (abnormal cell growth). If not treated immediately, severe Dysplasia can and usually will develop invasive cervical cancer.

(C) usually do not show any symptoms. This is a good time to scan the treatment of cancer, because it was almost always result in a Full recovery.

Persons at risk

All women who are involved in risky sexual, sick, or cervical cancer. However, women who have many male friends have sex (or her male friend had been having many female friends for sex) higher risk. Women, who began having intercourse before the age of 16 without security risks.

He developed an effective vaccine against HPV types cause 70-85% of all cervical cancer.

HPV vaccine for girls and women aged 9-26 years, since the vaccine only works, if the infection occurs. However, this vaccine can be given to women remains relatively late sexual. The prices are expensive vaccines sometimes cause reluctance. However, since the vaccine only covers some high-risk types of HPV, women have Pap film on a regular basis, even after vaccination.


Although the test Word orders is effective scanning this cancer, confirming the diagnosis of cancer of the neck or cervical cancer pre-requires a biopsy. This is often done through Colposcopy, examination of the cervix with a magnifying lens, Visual, assisted highlight abnormal cells acid solution on the surface of the neck. This is the procedure of outpatient care for 15 minutes and does not cause pain.

Further diagnostic includes LEEP (loop electrical excision procedure), cone biopsy (Cone biopsies) and punch biopsies.

Stadium and treatment

Federation of the classification of cancer of the neck of Gynecology and obstetrics (FIGO) on the basis of the scanning to (C) (III) and (C), III (C) is the direct precursor to cervical cancer. In the upper part III C is of prime importance that have been transformed into cancer cells and are classified from stage 0 (carcinoma is confined to the area of the skin) to 4B (a relative had spread far away).

Patients with early stage may be treated with conservative surgery for women who want to maintain fertility, while other patients usually is recommended to remove the entire uterus with cervix (Trachelectomy). Generally recommends that you wait at least one year prior to seeking pregnancy after the surgery. Because of the cancer spread to the lymph nodes (Lymphadenopathy) in late-stage cancer surgeon may also need to Pick from the lymph nodes around the uterus for pathologic evaluation.

This cancer is very rare residual cancer has relapsed again if cleaned with the Trachelectomy. However, it is advisable for patients to continue prevention and treatment, including scanning Pap (with the Word orders).

Early stage tumors may be treated with radical Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) with the removal of the lymph nodes. Radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy may be given after surgery to reduce the risk of relapse. Early stage tumors may be treated with large therapy and chemotherapy. In addition, Hysterectomy can be performed for local cancer better control.

Advanced cancer (stage 2B to 4B) should be treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Treatment rates of survival of cancer of the neck of the patients after 5 years he was 92% for the earliest stages, 80-90% for stage 1 cancer and 50-65% for stage 2. Only 25-35% of women with stage 3, and less than 15 per cent of the fourth stage of the cancer of the neck of the patients are alive after five years. Therefore it is very important to scan/sorting and early detection of cervical cancer .

Visit a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

Vaginal bleeding
Back pain
Pain after the benches or difficult urine and urine's cloudy
Constipation cronies and felt the tumor, although defecation
Ill-Being when having intercourse and vaginal discharges
Swollen feet
Leakage of urine or faeces from the Vagina

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vaccine HPV and cervical cancer you can never know

In the UK a thousand women die each year cervical cancer. The good news is that these statistics may see a decrease with the introduction of the HPV vaccine. In spite of how tragic death of Jade Goody last year raised awareness about cervical cancer, there is a large amount of misinformation about cervical cancer and vaccines virus (HPV) Human Papilloma. Because HPV vaccines proved to significantly reduce the incidence of cervical pre-cancer, may have the potential to save millions of people around the world.

What is HPV, and why is it important?

Are considered to be more than 200 strains of Human Papilloma Virus, which is 30 to 40 strains are thought to infect caudal people. HPV is the most common of all sexually transmitted infections. It is transmitted by sex anal, genital and oral. In most cases, the authority is able to clear the infection within approximately 1-2 years in some people, however, the virus is not cleared by the immune system. In these cases, various strains of HPV can go to cause sexual warts and cancer.

Studies have also shown that specific HPV strains are directly responsible for the various types of cancer. In particular, 2 strains 16 and 18, are responsible for 70% of cervical cancer. From the above, we have now, the two vaccines available that have been shown to provide resistance against these strains cause cancer and prevention of pre-cancerous injury.

You can get I tested for HPV?

Is available to indicate whether a person is infected with HPV and to determine which individual strains were introduced into the body of tests. Unfortunately, these tests are not available in the NHS; they are usually only available in the private sector.

How does the vaccine?

There are currently two vaccines used in the treatment of HPV: Gardasil and Cervarix. Both provide resistance to cancer of the neck, causing strains 16 and 18. In addition to these two strains of Gardasil also protects against strains 6 and 11, which are known to be responsible for genital warts.

Vaccines work by placing small bits (or Antigen) particular cancer causing strains in the immune system. It is important to realise that these small "bits" cannot cause infection HPV. In most of the human immune system will respond to these "bits" and create a memory of those individual strains of HPV. In the future, an infected by one of these strains, the immune system will recognize them immediately. The immune System will then mount a quick reply, clear the virus and hopefully prevent it remaining in the body, where it can be painful and cell damage, causing cervical cancer overdue.

To create an adequate immunity, vaccination programme includes having three jabs. After the first injection of the second injection is taken one month later. The third injection is administered in four months after the initial injection for Gardasil and 6 months after the initial injection for Cervarix.

The vaccine is safe?

Neither vaccine contains the actual virus. Testing for both vaccines have shown that this effect was most pain and swelling at the injection site, like most childhood vaccines. Between 1-10% of the Gardasil vaccine recipients suffered bruises and itching at the injection site and developed elevated temperature. Between 1-10% of Cervarix recipients suffered diarrhea, muscle and joint pains.

Both vaccines are not recommended for women who are pregnant. As regards breast-feeding Garadsil was shown as safe, although we have no similar data for Cervarix.

National UK vaccination programme began in September 2008 using the Cervarix vaccine. Since then, there was nothing to indicate that vaccination is harmful in any way that would require the program to be terminated.

Who are the vaccine?

Trial data shows that vaccination is effective in women who have already been exposed strains 16 and 18. As HPV is sexually transmitted, is the ideal for the vaccination of people before they become sexually active.

As both sexes shall transmit the virus can be vaccinated. However, it is considered to be more cost effective vaccination only females. Thought process for this is that if enough females are vaccinated, and then should be real not to vaccinate males.

Now a program of vaccination of NHS is aimed at young girls aged 12-13, although the catch program will offer 17 age of vaccination. Vaccination is also available privately from clinic Care Quality Commission (link) registered.

How long will the vaccine protect me?

Current published research indicates that protection against HPV infection and cervical overdue bronchial changes lasts at least five years, it will be several more years before we have to learn, even if it lasts longer. Yet to be determined whether vaccination booster will be required and how well the vaccine works to reduce the number of new cases of cervical cancer.

Where can I get the vaccine?

A vaccination programme is offered in the following places:
Secondary schools
GP surgical
Clinics private
The vaccine is not available by prescription. Department of health has classified it as a childhood vaccine that may only be available through the primary care trusts (PCTS). It is the responsibility of the PCT to distribute the vaccine to NHS surgical and schools, where they will be given.

Do I still need to go to the film?

Yes! It is for every woman to go to the regular film cervical. The vaccine does not protect 100%. In addition, although it is hoped the vaccine will prevent the most common form of cancer of the neck known as squamous skin, not yet known whether the vaccine that protects against Adenocarcinoma (another form of cancer of the neck). PAP test and no physical precautions (links) are absolute essential when it comes to detection and prevention of cancer of the neck.

The Conclusion Of The

I strongly urge women to get vaccinated against HPV. Why take the risk of not obtaining the vaccine when you can save your life? If you are not already sexually active, then you are in an ideal position to receive the benefits of the vaccine. If you are sexually active, you can minimize the risk of contracting HPV by staying in a monogamous relationship. Use of condoms, if you have multiple partners (although it is still the chance of getting infected by any contact with the skin, which is not protected by a barrier). Finally, never miss a Word orders. Early detection of cancerous cells-is essential for the prevention of cervical cancer.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Treatment of cervical cancer now on net

Cervical cancer, to some people, can be a very popular type of cancer, but, unfortunately, is not less dangerous. This type of cancer is the second only after breast cancer in the number of deaths recorded globally annually in women between the ages of 35 to 55. Although its occurrence depends on the country, sexual acts; Although this is not a medical examination proved, estimated 300,000 women have different stages of cancer of the neck globally.

The cause of cancer of the neck is much less complex compared to breast cancer and undergoing regular Word orders screening, often it is easy to detect cancer in its very early stage, when treatment is more effective and less invasive. The most common cause of cancer of the neck showed that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is transmitted by intercourse. This virus can cause damage to cells of the cervix, which can progress to cancer. A smear of Word orders effectively screening can detect the earliest signs of pre-cancer changes in these cells.

Unfortunately, despite the simplicity of this type of cancer, most women do not notice it until a later stage when the cancer has spread across the neck, at times, to nearby organs. This may be due to the fact that bronchial changes in cervical cells cover a long period of time and often without symptoms. Although this is a good, on the one hand, because it allows you to effectively treat a condition on the stages of pre-cancerous, has also, on the other hand, because it remains in the body for a very long period of time, without warning, form character/wreaking havoc on the cells of the cervix and making treatment very difficult in the case has been finally released.

As for the prevention and early detection is very important with cervical cancer. Some reports say there is now a medical vaccine to prevent cervical cancer. The vaccine is said to come in three shots and when taken in the series, it is considered completely capable of preventing cancer of the neck by raising the body resistance against HPV. However, the vaccine should be taken before the girls become sexually active to run optimally. You and I know that the best treatment is prevention, if you have a daughter, sisters or friends, which are still sexual life, helping them get this vaccine would be the best assistance can make them. Ask your doctors for more information about the vaccine.

At an early stage in the development of cancer of the neck is usually treated with chemotherapy or radiation, or sometimes, a combination of the two. Chemotherapy involves the use of drugs that enter the bloodstream. These contain chemical substances, which you can locate and destroy the cells of the bronchi, without harming normal cells of the body. Although these drugs come from certain undesirable effects, but the body can be obtained by those at the end of the treatment. Radiation involves the use of advanced electromagnetic waves reduce tumor, killing the cells of the bronchi in the process. During the process of other organs of the body are shielded from the radiation.

However, in advanced stages of cancer of the neck, surgery is usually the only alternative. Depending on how far spread cancer treatment may require partial removal of the cervix and uterus, known as a partial Hysterectomy. To back up your ovaries and other parts of the female caudal vertebrae.

If the spread of the cancer has reached some parts of the cervix and uterus, radical Trachelectomy can be an alternative treatment. This requires the removal of the cervix and the lower part of uterus with several lymph nodes in the pelvis, which are likely to be infected. This treatment is to preserve fertility.

However, in the worst cases of cancer of the neck where the cancer has spread beyond the uterus, radical Hysterectomy is the only option. This includes the removal of the cervix and uterus, ovaries and completely part of the vagina, the lymph nodes in the region. This is a very radical treatment and often the last alternative when cancer's got out of hand. Due to the Removal of the ovaries, hormonal value ovaries often has serious implications for the health of the woman. Paying attention to your body, especially in the neck, regular Word orders and a healthy lifestyle is all you need to ensure that never suffered such a result.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The cause of cervical cancer and effective treatment:well cervical cancer treatment

Recent high profile, the death of Jade Goody, British reality TV star with, cervical cancer, increases awareness of the deadly disease.

Cervical cancer takes the life around 253,500 women worldwide each year, in accordance with the National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC). This threat is to lead to research efforts agreed at the cause of cervical cancer and effective treatment in the past few years.

Scientists have found that a virus called human papillomavirus (HPV) triggers at least 70% of cervical cancer. As a result of this discovery developed a vaccine that claim protects girls between the ages of 11 to 26, two General strains of HPV.

In addition, while not actually considered the cause of cancer of the neck, are factors that increase the risk of getting the disease. These risk factors include:
Long term use of birth control pills: the use of birth control pills for more than 4 years may increase the risk of cancer among women with neck HPV infection.
Not regular research: cancer of the neck is more popular among women, who do not have regular Pap tests.
HPV infection HPV infection: is not completely eliminated may cause cervical cancer in certain women.  Because these viruses are transmitted through sexual contact, the risk of HPV infection increases the number of sexual partners.
Smoking: smoking tobacco increases the risk of cancer of the neck of the women infected with HPV.
Weakened immune system: infection with HIV, or the use of medicines, which disable the immune system, increases the risk of cervical cancer.

Knowing the cause of cervical cancer and risk factors, help prevent women getting the disease.

However, when the women diagnosed with cervical cancer, is a very difficult decision. Which treatment is most effective? Which treatment he or she choose?

The treatment of cancer is the subject of a very controversial, as only one venture outside the sphere of the mainstream medical authority in the field of alternative medicine. Has very good reasons for such a heated controversy. In its simplest sense it is a conflict between the freedom of information and the self interest (profit).

Health care Dollar is in US industry, trillion themselves. The treatment of cancer accounted for 72.1 billion USD estimated revenue in 2004, in accordance with the National Cancer Institute. Is the naive hope that such a profitable industry enters the public interests before their own interest.

In fact, according to a recent documentary on "60 minutes", are twice as many lobbyists working on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, there are congressmen. They are paid in order to obtain support for the creator of the right to the legislation, which protects the interests of producers of drugs and to dyskredytuje cancer treatment of the alternative media.

Alternative treatments and cures of cancer have been extensively documented in the last hundred years, a significant part of that unfortunately was put on hold, or information deliberately discredited because it poses a threat to those interests which profit from the patented treatments.

Although it is beyond the scope of this article to discuss specific alternative cancer treatments, here are some general guidelines that will help you discover important information for your own personal education and research.

First, you must be willing to become your own authority. Health and life, after all, and you have the right to make a final decision on the treatment you receive.For more information or have access to, the better Your position to truly make an informed choice.

Secondly, you must be willing to look beyond the conventional, mainstream sources, if you are going to really find the information that is being ignored.

Thirdly, it must allow the criteria selections to include anecdotal evidence, because it will never be FDA approved, research blindly in favour of any treatment, which may not be patented or given, for significant profit.

Rote is the answer to dyskredytuje effective alternative treatments of all kinds, "there is no clinical evidence that proves that it works." Although it is true, it is also confusing. This means that treatment does not work. There is no clinical evidence, because there has been no clinical trials, and never will be, because most of the alternatives cannot be patented. Therefore there is no incentive to pay for clinical trials.

Anecdotal, first person accounts of successful cancer treatment, alternative can offer new choices and directions to explore. Legitimate research with the more liberal States often can support these opinions and help you in making informed decisions, which may lead to successful healing, even cancer.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Symptoms of cervical cancer and characters-Lessons to Be Learned here

Jade Goody's death due to cancer of the neck of the uterus, teaches us that we must be careful about this killer disease. There are lessons to be drawn to episode Jade Goody, so that we can keep a careful watch signs of possible cervical cancer, signs and potential cure.

Cervical cancer--the first cancers in women in most developing countries.  Represents 34% of women of all cancers.  The approximate global reach women each year who suffer from cancer neck is 500,000.  Although women of all ages are at risk of cancer of the neck is mainly visible in women since the mid-though apart to 55, with the average age is 47.

Most of the people is, unfortunately, was about cervical cancer.  It has nothing to do with Your spinal cord or your neck.  Is a disease in which cancer cells are visible in the cervical tissue.  Neck, which is the lower part of the uterus, Vagina, an uterus.  Neck is pink color. Is covered by squamous cells, which are similar to scales in appearance.  Cervical canal is lined with a different type of cells, known as a column of cells area where these two types of cells meet is called T-zone or a zone of transition is the Mecziara, which can cause abnormal cell growth.

How can I check if I have cancer of the neck: in the earliest stages, it is quite difficult to ascertain, if you have cervical cancer because it does not have any visible signs. Irregular bleeding, bleeding or pain during sex or vaginal discharge, chronic affection of the low, which are the symptoms that may be linked to cervical cancer, tenders shall be displayed at an advanced stage.

Who is at risk of cancer of the neck?

Those who unprotected sex: the majority of sexually active women are the chances of carrying HPV virus, which spreads through skin to skin contact with the area of HPV infection. Sex at a young age, unprotected sex and more sex partners augments the chances of infection HPV women.  In other words, HPV infection can cause cervical cancer. The use of condoms for unprotected sex, cannot help because the virus can be transmitted by contact with the skin to the skin in the area of the genital organs, which is not covered by a condom.  However, does not mean one should not use condoms, it is very important to protect against AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.

Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of the woman contract cervical cancer.  Chemical produced by smoking may damage the DNA of cells, with the neck, making them the bronchi.
Chlamdiya infection: Chlamydia bacteria in nature is also the cayuse, triggered by sexual contact.
Diet low in fruit and vegetables: women who do not eat enough fruits or vegetables miss out on the antioxidant properties which keep cancer at Bay.  Phytochemicals as vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene are known to prevent cervical cancer.
    HIV infection: women who have a weak immune system from diseases such as HIV (with disabilities) can also suffer from cervical cancer.
Long term oral contraceptives: the use of long-term contraceptives, say 5 years or more, you can increase the chances of a woman suffering from cancer of the neck.
Family history of cancer of the neck: women who have a family history of cancer of the neck are also threatened. A person who has a family history of this disease can be less genetically equipped to combat infection HPV better than other women.

How is diagnosed with cancer of the neck?  As mentioned before, pain or bleeding during sex, or otherwise, are some signs of vaginal discharges; However, this does not mean that you have cervical cancer. Better is if you see a doctor who will ask you to go to the test, Pap

Pap test or standard device used speculum to examine the cervix is placed in the Vagina.  The cells are skimmed from the surface of the cervical surface with a swab of cotton and then smeared onto a glass plate. Another sample is taken from the T-zone with a spatula. There is a new technology known as liquid based Pap test, which gives a greater degree of accuracy.  The slide is sent to the laboratory where the cytotechnologist (the person who shall review the slides), and a pathologist examines a sample of any irregularities.  The pap test is usually accurate and can be used to detect cervical cancer even in the early stages. To increase the reliability of the test, Pap, go to your doctor two weeks after the last menstrual period and avoid having sex, douching, using tampons or using vaginal creams, powders, suppositories, sprays, etc. at least 48 hours before the StartOf the test.

Report unusual Word orders is not means cervical cancer. This means only that you have some kind of cellular changes in the cells which cover the surface of the neck.  Pap test is only for media screening, there are other studies that are important for confirming the Pap test abnormalities and diagnosing the disease.  You must have some kind of a continuation, try the test again after a few months. Depending on the seriousness of the irregularity, the doctor may also recommend a biopsy, Colposcopy (magnified view of the Vagina and cervix) or curettage.

What should be the regular Pap test:

Screening should begin three years after the woman begins to have intercourse. It is recommended to undergo a Pap test every two or three years.  The combination of the HPV test, Pap test should be regarded as routine screening for women older than 30.  Go to my blog listed below to know about cervical cancer cure.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Risk factors for cervical cancer easly ways

Today, we would like to discuss some of the risk factors for cervical cancer. They are many, which will not be possible for us to exhaust all of them, but let us see how far we can go today.

1 Human PAPILLUM virus infection) (HPV): this is the most important risk factors for cancer of the cervix. Doctors believe that before a woman may develop cervical cancer, she must have been infected with HPV. Certain types of HPV are classified as "high risk", because they are a major cause of cervical cancer. These types include HPV 6 HPV 18 HPV, HPV 31, 35 and 45 HPV and many others. Approximately two-thirds of all cervical cancer are caused by HPV 16-18.

2) smoking: Women who smoke are more likely to get cancer of the neck than women who do not smoke. Smoking provides authority to many chemicals causing cancer, which affects not only the lungs but other parts of the body. The lungs will first and foremost, to absorb those harmful substances, and then move it to a stream of blood throughout the body. By-products of tobacco were found in the cervical mucus of women who smoke. These substances damage the DNA of cells neck and equally can lead to the development of cervical cancer.

3) Immunosuppression: human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) virus that causes AIDS is. This virus completely interferes with the immune system of the body and makes women more at risk of being infected with HPV. It is one of the reasons for the increased risk of cancer of the neck in women with AIDS. The immune System is very important in the destruction of cancer cells and a slowdown in the growth of their spread. Cervical pre-cancer is is likely to develop into invasive cancer faster in women with HIV.

4) CHLAMYDIA infection: this is a very common bacterium, which can then infect the reproductive system. Propagation is mainly through sexual contact. Women whose blood tests Show Chlamydia past or present are at greater risk of cervical cancer in women with normal test results. This type of infection often shows no symptoms in women. Unless the woman goes to examine its pelvic region, she may not know that it is infected with a chlamydii. When is long in the body, leads to the pelvic inflammation, which also leads to fecundity.

5) Diet: Diets low in fruit and vegetables, you can increase the risk of cervical cancer. Also equally overweight can lead to cervical cancer.

6) Birth control PILLS: the use of birth control pills for a long time increases the risk of cervical cancer in women. The longer these pills are used, the risk goes up or goes down, after his detention.

7) Multiple PREGNANCIES: Women with many pregnancies in full to an increased risk of cancer of the neck. This may be due to some of these women may be exposed to unprotected sexual activities, which shall consequently be exposed to HPV infection. This is because the immune system is weak, the pregnant woman to infection HPV/cancer growth.

8) Low socio-economic: many women with low incomes do not have access to adequate health-care services, including pap tests, and the implication of this is that it will not be passed or considered for pre-cancerous cervical diseases.

9) History of the family: cancer of the neck runs in some families. If the mother and sister to cervical cancer, the risk of developing this disease is higher. Women from the same family as the patient already diagnosed with cancer of the neck may be a more may have one or more non-genetic risk factors previously described in this section.

I love to hear what are their own views or opinions on this position.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Prevention of cervical cancer, you need to Take care

Prevention of any disease can be primary or secondary. Previous calls for action on the determinants of the disease to prevent. The second is the early detection of disease, shall be accepted for intervention to stop its progress.

There has been a significant media PR for the prevention of cancer of the neck during the last half of the year. Almost all of his focus on vaccine Papilloma Virus (HPV), which called on human cervical cancer vaccine, although there is no such vaccines available anywhere in the world.

No cervical led to a steady decline in the incidence of and mortality from cancer of the neck in developed countries, which have a population a wide screening.

Yet cervical film can scarcely have been discussed in the prevention of cancer of the neck of the target media. This is despite the indisputable fact that only 43% of women have cervical smear Malaysian ever in their life (national health and morbidity Survey 2006) Although cancer of the neck is the second most common cancer in women (national cancer register, 2003). There is a too frequent cervical screening for women who are younger or who are at low risk.

At the beginning of cancer of the neck begins with changes in the cervix, where squamocolumnar junction flat epithelial squamous epithelial columnar option exocervix meets with the endocervix. The proportion of the nucleus to the cell size is increased in epithelium during the pre-cancer disease.

There is a relationship between the induction of these changes and HPV infection. Pre-cancer changes are called cervical wewnatrzwydzielnicza biopsy (C). (C) are classified as mild (1 C), moderate (C 2) or corrosive (3 C). (C) moves the mild to moderate dreadful disease and then invasive cancer over seven to twenty years, during this progression, which can be seen by the cervical film are customarily any symptoms.

Cervical cancer is stage pre-cancerous lasting about 7 to 20 years before standard cells change into cancer cells. How are known factors risk of cancer of the neck, can be supplied a behavioral intervention to prevent its development.

Regular pelvic examinations and cervical film will detect most pre-cancerous changes in the cervix. Treatment development of aggressive cancer could be stopped. Even if it is aggressive cancer present, it's going to be seen on stage early, curable.

Cervical smear screening test is a pre-cancerous cells discovers. This allows the doctors to refer those with unnatural changes in the cervix for further investigation and treatment. Must be emphasised that the cervical smear test is not diagnostic.

Involves taking a sample of small cells of the cervix using a brush or spatula. The cells are placed on a slide glass or to the container and sent to a laboratory to study minute.

No cervical are recommended for all women, but if the woman is the assigned sex. The probability of occurrence of cancer of the neck in such girls is considered to be low, but you can still occur. Regular pelvic examinations and Pap film should be made after the starting sexual activity. The frequency would be on the risk profile of women and understanding.

The use of film in General cervical screening population in many developed Nations marked decrease in the occurrence was completed cervical cancer. It is critical that patients and/or their Mom and pop are informed of vaccines to provide insurance against certain types of HPV and cervical cancer.There are several vaccines available. One vaccine acts against 4 types of HPV and the other against 2. Obstacles to the development of HPV infection. As HPV infection is a serious risk to the development of cervical cancer, vaccination pre-would be a recurrence of some of its development.

Behavioral interventions have an important role to play and they are relatively economical. Does not yet seem to be given the same press as that HPV vaccines. Misconception of many patients and/or their Mom and pop HPV vaccines are bullets wizardry to get a shot of cancer of the neck needs to be addressed by the health messages that reflect reality preventing cervical cancer.

In short, requires greater stress by policy makers and health care execs proven systems and behavioral intervention film, if it is to be an important impact on reducing the incidence of and mortality from cancer of the neck.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learn the symptoms of cervical cancer and treatment easy way

Did you know that the "Cancer of the neck" is one of the most silent and the most dangerous diseases which can be thwarted by women? It is due to estradzie Symptoms are simply out to other ailments. Many women ignore the signs for they know that it is just simple Ovulation pain, but there are a large risk of cancer directly only appears when it is submitted. Cancer of the neck do not typically display its symptoms until the cancer is advanced and has. They are possible symptoms of cancer of the neck, that woman can be noted:

Abnormal bleeding: there is abnormal bleeding Vagina and in the month of bleeding may be heavy or light. Vaginal bleeding and changes can be noted that this is one of the signs of cervical cancer.

Unusual discharge heavy: boost vaginal discharges is one of the signs of this cancer. There is a foul odour and contains mucus and very thick, which is not a normal and can be directly observed.

Pelvic pain: it is not associated with a normal menstrual cycle that could be mild or severe pain which is likely to suffer, the woman. In which the pain, which suffer from the woman is so painful, with the dull ache to severe pain and may be more dangerous if it is not associated with the menstrual period.

Pain in the urine: bladder infection is, which is a pain in the urine or bladder pain and may be more risky, if cancer is spreading out in the bladder.

Bleeding between regular menstrual periods after sexual, douching or pelvic exam: neck irritation and bleeding occurs directly after sex and will also occur during douching. Menstrual periods, which could cause serious cervical infections would be cancer.

Cervical cancer begins at the surface of the cervix, which is in the cells and there are two types of cells in the surface of the cervix: column and squamos. Most of the instances of cancer of the neck can be found in the cells of the squamos. Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly and begins "Dysplasia", which is przedrakowy. Dysplasia can be easily detected by the Word orders and 100% proven treatment. Undetected przedrakowy would be the development of cancer and may spread to the bladder, lungs, liver and intestines.

Cervical cancer is almost due to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). It is the ordinary of the virus, which is distributed by intercourse. They are caused by having sex at a young age, having many sexual partners, who participate in high-risk sexual activities and having weak immune system and the poor economic status.

Cervical cancer can be cured by the devastating and taking away precancerous tissue. There are many ways of excluding without removing the uterus, or damage to the neck in order to still have children in the future.

Surgery types early cancer of the neck:

Laser therapy-is to use light to burn abnormal tissue.

LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) is the use of electricity in order to remove abnormal tissue.

Cryotherapy-he will freeze the abnormal cells.

Types of surgery for advanced cervical cancer:

Hysterectomy-removal of the uterus but does not receive the ovaries and may be carried out by women who repeatedly are to be subjected to procedures LEEP.

Radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer-is, which later spread to the pelvis, or cancer that have returned. Is internal or external.

Chemotherapy-the use of medicines for exterminating cancer.

Friday, July 22, 2011

HPV-Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer you know

HPV is the abbreviation used for the Human Papilloma Virus. HPV causes a disease known as genital warts, but also causes cervical cancer. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world today.

There are many different types of HPV, and not all types cause wart as damage are displayed in the area of the genital organs. In fact, most people who have this disease transmitted sexually have no symptoms of the issue of their presence.

Statistics show that up to a maximum of 50% of sexually active adults pozyskaja HPV in their existence. A robust immune system probably will be able to take care of the initial infection with HPV may never even know that you had it. If you have been infected with HPV causing genital warts, you see wart as damage around the area of sexual, including on the shaft of the penis and anal area. Women with genital warts may not see any change at all if they are limited to the muscles of the vagina.

Strains of HPV that cause genital warts are classified as low-risk strains of viruses that cause cancer of the neck are classified as "high risk".

The link between cervical cancer and sexual activity was first suspected during observation (1841) nuns were never diagnosed with cervical cancer. At the same time, it was noted that the cancer of the neck was more often in women who were prostitutes. The link between the Papilloma viruses and cancer was found in tests on rabbits, but was until the Human Papilloma Virus, it was found that was a link to HPV and cervical cancer. This Problem has occurred in late 1970.

Canadian and American Cancer Society, other lists to be a risk factor for cancer of the neck as a long period of exposure of the female sex hormones found in birth control pills, smoking, HIV infection, exposure to certain hormones such as Diethylstilbestrol (DES), and genetic factors.

Cervical cancer

The neck is the opening of the uterus. When infected with strains of Human Papilloma Virus high risk of these cells may become the bronchi. Women over 30 are at more risk of developing cancer of the neck suggesting that needs time bronchial changes occurs after infection HPV. Not all women who are infected with Human Papilloma Virus will go to the development of cervical cancer.

In the United States, cancer of the neck is more widespread among the population of Hispanic and Black, who also have higher mortality from this disease. In Canada, higher rates of cancer of the neck are visible among the elderly (aged 40-59), immigrants, Australian and lower socio economic populations. In both countries believe that the rates are higher among these populations due to a lack of screening, which results in the detection at a much later stage of the disease.

The number of deaths due to cervical cancer in the past 50 years has decreased drastically due to the ability to diagnose the disease early with the Pap test. This test is the name of its author George Papanikolaou. Is a simple test requires a sample of cells from the cervix. The tissue is sent to a laboratory for examination under a microscope. Bronchial changes can be detected very early, and thus early detection improves the success rate for treatment.


When diagnosed early enough for cancer of the neck may be treated by removing the cells of the bronchi. Is in the range from the removal of cells from the cervix to be limited to a full Hysterectomy depending on the progress of cancer is and whether it has spread to the lymphatic tissue.

The Prevention Of

You can reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer by limiting the number of sexual contacts and knowing your partner status HPV. If you are sexually active, rather than in monogamous relationships, you must use the methods of barrier protection from each sexual encounter and are subject to regular screening as part of routine testing. It is recommended that sexually active women should have a gynecological examination of Word orders every three years to the age of 69.

HPV vaccine

Vaccines have recently come on the market, which provides protection from two strains of high risk HPV. Health officials are recommending all young women be vaccinated before they become sexually active. The vaccine is provided free of charge for girls in most provinces in Canada. Many countries in the UNITED STATES are trying to pass legislation requiring the vaccine, but the term only 3 have been successful in getting legislation passed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

HPV and cervical cancer-how many really know this around

"I wanna be one less, o-n-e-l-e-s-s!" Is this song permanently lodged in your brain? To the words "Tell Someone" have new meaning? You have pharmaceutical company Merck to thank. These "slogans" are from its commercials aiming to raise awareness about the link between HPV and cervical cancer and HPV vaccine, Gardasil Merck's.

Before this connection was discovered, we didn't know what caused cervical cancer and the only way to know you had it was through a pap test. Kim, 43, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993. Throughout her treatment, there was no mention of HPV and it wasn't until years later (after beating the cancer) that she realized the cause. "I didn't even know HPV caused cervical cancer until I saw those commercials; my doctor didn't even tell me when I had it, "Kim says. "I had never even heard of HPV until the commercials and I read an article about it and said, Oh, I guess that's what I had. '"

Many women don't know much about HPV until it affects them, even though as many as 80 percent will acquire HPV at some point in their lives.

In a 2005 Health Information National Trends Survey, only 40 percent of women respondents had heard of HPV and less than 20 percent knew it could lead to cervical cancer. Think back to 2005, before the commercials worked into your consciousness, how much did you know about HPV? Probably nothing, which is scary, considering about 10 women die from cervical cancer in America everyday, according to the American Cancer Society.

There are women who develop cervical cancer who have only had one partner and women who have had several partners. Discovering the link between a virus and cervical cancer is extraordinary, but it shouldn't lead people to believe those who develop cervical cancer were reckless with their sexual health. Here are some facts about HPV and cervical cancer the 30 second TV commercials don't include-but you should know:

1. What are the ways I can get HPV? HPV can be contracted through almost any sexual contact, sometimes even oral sex. The risk decrease ' Condoms to about 70 percent, but since any genital contact can spread HPV, the skin not covered by a condom puts you at risk. Most people with HPV show no symptoms. This means that provides anyone-from your husband is your one-night-stand-could pass along HPV.

2. What strains of HPV cause cervical cancer? There are about a hundred different types of HPV, but only a few cause cancer. Most cases will clear up on their own with no treatment. Gardasil protects against types 16 and 18, which cause about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, and types 6 and 11, which are responsible for about 90 percent of genital warts cases.

3. How can I protect myself against HPV and cervical cancer? Condoms can help protect against HPV and the Gardasil vaccine will be a big help against it as long as you don't already have the strains that cause cervical cancer.

The American Cancer Society outlines other risk factors for catching HPV and developing cervical cancer as well. They include smoking (which weakens your immune system), having sex at an early age, many sexual partners, a partner who has had many partners, sex with uncircumcised males, HIV or Chlamydia, poor diet or family history of cervical cancer. Doctors say women will not develop cervical cancer without first contracting HPV, so the best line of defense is to not get HPV at all.

4. What's the deal with the HPV vaccine? Gardasil was approved by the FDA for girls aged 9-26. They expertise getting vaccinated before you're sexually active, since the longer you wait the more likely it is that you'll already have HPV. The vaccine is given as three separate shots over six months and costs $ 360, not including the cost of the doctor's office visit. Most insurance companies cover the costs, but check before you are vaccinated. Merck also has a plan for qualified women to be vaccinated for free. So if you're uninsured or your insurance doesn't cover it, talk to your doctor about this program. Many Planned Parenthood centers also carry Gardasil and the price will depend on your insurance coverage.

5. I'm over 26, can I still get vaccinated? As of right now, Gardasil is only approved for women aged 9-26, so your insurance company most likely won't cover it if you are older than 26. Further testing is being done for other age groups so in the future that might be expanded. Talk to your doctor if you are over 26 and still interested in being vaccinated to find out if he or she will vaccinate you.

6. I already have HPV, so Gardasil won't help me, right? Actually, there are many strains of HPV, so, even if you know you already have it, talk to your doctor because you can still get protection from the other cancer-causing strains with Gardasil.

7. I'm only sleeping with one person. I don't need to be vaccinated, do I? It's not a bad idea. It's entirely possible that your husband or boyfriend could pass HPV on to you from a previous relationship. Also, I know we hate to think of these possibilities, but Gardasil can be helpful if your partner cheats on you or if you are raped by someone with HPV.

8. What's the downside to Gardasil? There are some negatives to this vaccine that you should consider. First, there may be side effects such as pain or swelling where you were injected, nausea, fever or dizziness. However, the side effects are pretty rare. Also, since the vaccine doesn't protect against all types of cervical cancer, you still have to get regular pap tests (so no saying goodbye to your yearly gyno appointments). Gardasil also does not protect against any other STDs, so protection is still very necessary during sex and it will not clear up an existing infection of HPV or cervical cancer. The high cost of the vaccine can also be a problem so be sure to talk to your insurance company and doctor to find out how much it will cost before you're injected.

In the end, it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of the HPV vaccine, but hopefully now you can do so with a little more information than a Tell Someone commercial provides.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Herbal medicines for cervical cancer you must know now


Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancer affecting women. Women between the ages of 30 and 55 have the highest incidence of cervical cancer. Women who have sexually transmitted diseases and those who have had multiple pregnancies beginning at a young age, are at greater risk. If palisz, close. Smoking cigarettes is suspected to be a risk factor for cervical cancer. Obtain an annual audit of the pelvis and the Pap test is the only way to screen for cervical cancer. Pap test can detect cancer cells before symptoms are present.

Fortunately, cancer of the neck is slow to develop. If diagnosed at an early stage when the cancer is still confined to the outermost layer of the cervical tissue, cancer of the neck has a cure rate of almost 100 per cent. Even in cases where more advanced cancer spreads deeper into the neck of the uterus wall, chances of recovery are good. On the other hand, if the cancer is allowed to spread to other organs, the prognosis is not so good.

The signs and symptoms

Cancer of the neck in its early stages typically do not produce Symptoms. Later, are the most common symptoms:

Bleeding from the vagina after intercourse, between periods, or after menopause

Bloody vaginal discharge

Conventional treatment

If you notice any type of unexplained bleeding or discharge, see the network immediately, gynecologist, who perform an examination of the pelvis and a smear of Word orders. If the Word orders reveals irregularities, your doctor examines closely with neck (by means of a device called a colposcope) and tissue samples to determine whether the cancer cells. If confirmed the cancer, your doctor may take x-rays to determine if the cancer has spread to any of the surrounding organs.

Treatment of cervical cancer depends on what stage is if it is caught early, laser surgery, freezing or Cauterization may be used to remove cancer cells from the outer layer of tissue. If the cancer has advanced to the neck of the uterus wall, can be made against radiation. (See "Conventional medical treatment" under the heading "Bladder Cancer" for more information about radiotherapy.) Your doctor may also recommend the Hysterectomy, operation in which the cervix and the uterus are removed.

Complementary and alternative treatments

Chinese medicine

Acupuncture acupuncture may serve as an adjunct professor of treatment at the early stages of cancer of the neck to increase the immune system and improve the flow of chi in the diseased cells.

Acupressure Acupressure may be useful for alleviating pain cervical cancer and upset stomach caused by conventional treatment.

Chinese herbal garlic therapy has shown to inhibit the development of cancer cells while promoting the production of healthy cells, which may take account of this Herb popular in prevention and treatment of all cancers, including cervical. Ginseng is also known for its properties to increase immunity, anti-cancer.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Clarify stage cervical cancer to check out

Neck is at the bottom of the uterus, the place where the baby grows during pregnancy. Cervical cancer is caused by a type of virus called human papillomaviruses (HPV). The virus spreads through sexual contact. The majority of HPV infection in order to combat the body of the female sex. However, sometimes the virus cause cancer. You are at greater risk if you smoke, you have many children, the Pill for a long time or infection with HIV.

Cervical cancer may not cause any symptoms at the beginning, but then, you may feel pain in Your pelvis or bleeding from the vagina. Usually it took several years for normal cells in the cervix cancer cells to change. Provider of health care you can found abnormal cells in the Pap-test cells from the cervix under a microscope. Performing regular Pap tests and pelvic exams, you will be able to find and treat cells before they turn into cancer. Vaccine for girls and young women can protect against four types of HPV that cause most cervical cancer.

Doctors recommend that women reduce the risk of cancer of the neck with the Pap film on a regular basis. PAP test (sometimes called Word orders or cervical smear) is a simple test used to look at the cervical cells. PAP test can find cancer of the neck or abnormal cells, which can cause cervical cancer. Finding and treating abnormal cells, you can prevent most cervical cancer. In addition, Pap tests can help find cancer early, when treatment is more effective.


Stages of cancer based on the detection of cancer. Stages of invasive cervical cancer are as follows:

-Phase I: the tumor has invaded the neck below the cell a top layer. Cancer cells are only in the neck.

-Stage II: Tumor extends into the upper Vagina. You may be outside of the neck to nearby tissues to the pelvic wall (the lining of the body between the hips). The tumor is not attacked lower third Vagina or wall of the pelvis.

-Stage III: Tumor extends to the lower part of the vaginal muscles. They may also have invaded pelvic wall. If the cancer block urine flow, one or both kidneys may not work correctly.

Stage IV: Tumor of bladder or rectum attack. Or cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

-Recurrent cancer: cancer treatment, but returned after a period of time, which cannot be detected. Cancer may reappear in the neck or other parts of the body.

Women with cancer of the neck have many treatment options. Available options are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a combination of methods. The choice of treatment depends mainly on the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread. Treatment may also depend on whether you plan to become pregnant someday. Your doctor may describe treatment options, the expected results of each treatment and possible side effects. You and your doctor can work together to develop a plan for their respective to the individual needs of medical care.

Your doctor may refer you a specialist, or you can ask for references. You may want to see a gynecologic oncologist, surgeon who specializes in treatment of cancer for women. Other professionals who treat gynecologists in cervical cancer, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists. The health care team may also include a nurse Oncology and registered dieticians.

Prior to the commencement of treatment, ask your health care team about possible side-effects and the treatment you can change the normal business activities. Because the treatment of cancer lesions often healthy cells and tissues, side effects are common. Side effects may not be the same for all and may be changed in subsequent sessions. At each stage of the disease, additional treatment are available to reduce side-effects of treatment, to control pain and other symptoms and help overcome feelings, due to cancer diagnosis.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cervical cancer-woman can reason together

"How many ways of being are there, sweet friend?" asks Grandmother Growth in her warm way. You sense this is a serious question, and you fear you don't know the right answer.

"Between the yin and the yang, between the dark and the light, between normal and abnormal, there are infinite shades and numberless ways of being. Without lines, they arise and change, drift away or settle in, some promoting your well-being, some eroding it. An erosive change is almost upon us daughter. How will we meet it?

"Cells are changing in your cervix. They are going fast, faster, growing fast, faster, too fast to be tidy, too fast to be symmetrical, too fast to be orderly. How do we dance to this rhythm? Does it tear you loose from your moorings? Does it set you adrift? Is it freedom?

"Cells are changing too fast for the guardians to cope; they are overwhelmed. Where shall you find more help dearest granddaughter? Who will you invoke to aid you? Can the guardians prevail and change the rhythm if they are given reinforcements? Or must you kill the guardians along with the cancer to stop the beat and still the music?

"Your story is unique my precious child. Your choices will arise from the well of your own deep inner wisdom. Trust yourself. Trust me. I'll hold you hand as we dance, I'll follow or lead, fast or slow, as you will. Let's go!"

Do you actually have cervical cancer, or one of its precursors? This is an important distinction. Current practice tends to over-treat women with abnormal cells, dysplasia, hyperplasia, and in situ carcinomas. In nine out of ten cases, if carcinoma in situ of the cervix is left untreated, it will never progress to cervical cancer.

"Physicians could confidently monitor patients for [amount and types of HPV] virus with currently available tests for several months before deciding to treat... more aggressively."

Cervical cancer in situ is generally very slow-growing; untreated, half will regress and half will, over a period of 10-30 years progress to invasive cancer. About 10% of women have a fast-growing type - whose incidence may be increasing - which becomes invasive within a year. Cervical cancer is most common in women 40-60 years of age, but it occurs frequently in women under 35 years old.

In the USA, about five million Pap smears yearly reveal dysplasia; of those, 45,000 will be new cases of cervical carcinoma in situ and 10,000 will be invasive cervical cancer. Cervical cancer kills more than 4,000 American women each year.

Black women in America are twice as likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer and almost three times as likely to die of it as white women. They are older at the time of diagnosis and their disease is further advanced, but they are less likely to receive aggressive treatments.

Cervical cancer, it is now known, is caused by infection with certain strains of HPV. A healthy immune system can prevent this; a weak one can't. That's why cervical cancer is strongly related to lack of good sanitary facilities, lack of vitamin C in the diet (less than 30mg a day increases risk seven-fold), lack of carotenes in the diet (under 5000 IU daily triples risk), smoking tobacco (triples risk), first intercourse before the age of 18 (triples risk; the cervix is immature and more easily damaged and infected), long-term use of oral contraceptives (over 8 years quadruples risk), multiple sexual partners (more than 5 quadruples risk), and a monogamous relationship with a man who is uncircumsized and who has had more than 25 partners.

Is cervical cancer connected to inflammation? Women whose cervical tissues are infected with HPV and also inflamed - by herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, [spermicides, and violent penetration] - are twice as likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer as women who have HPV but no inflammatory events.

Some procedures sound like diagnostic tests. A cone biopsy, despite its name, is real surgery.

"Feelings of being used or raped are associated with chronic vaginitis, chronic vulvar pain, recurrent wart, herpes, cervical cancer, and associated abnormal Pap smears (cervical dysplasia)."

Take back your power! Claim your cervix and your genitals as your own. Possess your cervix. Accept it; love it; cherish it. When we reject a part of ourselves, we can find ourselves "losing" that part to surgery.

Compared to women with other types of cancer, women with cervical cancer are more likely to be sexually unhappy. They may dislike intercourse, but feel that they must do it, and are often non-orgasmic in the presence of a man. They are more likely to be divorced, separated, deserted, or "stuck" in a relationship with a man who is unfaithful, undependable, or alcoholic.

Women with cervical cancer have been found to be low or deficient in a number of nutrients, including vitamins A, B6 (pyridoxine), C, folate (folic acid), and selenium. Increasing your consumption of orange and green vegetables, whole grains, sauerkraut, selenium-rich foods - like garlic, seaweeds, and mushrooms - and pyridoxine-rich foods - like lentils, broccoli, and potatoes won't "cure" cancer. High-quality nutrition does, however, provide the basis for normal healthy cells to replace the cancerous ones, and primes the immune system to eliminate aberrant cells.

Extract of common privet berry (ligustrum vulgare, L. lucidum) has been shown to inhibit cervical cancers in mice. Even if it doesn't directly eliminate cervical cancer, privet is happy to help reduce inflammation, enhance white blood cells, and nourish the immune system.

Milk thistle seed tincture is a fantastic complementary medicine for anyone choosing chemotherapy. And this large, striking plant may be anticancer, too. Two alkaloids, silymarin and silibinin, reduce the growth of cervical, breast, and prostate cancer cells.

Castor oil is Edgar Cayce's classic cancer treatment. In the case of cervical cancer, Cayce recommended daily castor oil packs over the uterine area, as well as five drops of castor oil orally at bedtime. In severe cases, he added Atomidine and Glyco-Thymol to the regime.

Low levels of folic acid are associated with the development of cervical cancer, perhaps because folate is needed for DNA repair. But no study has shown that supplements, even in very high doses, can reverse it.

Likewise, low levels of carotenoids in the diet and blood increase the risk of invasive cervical cancer, but supplements are not a cure, and may even prolong the presence of precancerous cells, helping them mature into cancers. Studies have repeatedly found that beta-carotene supplements "decrease spontaneous healing." Women with CIN II who took beta-carotene were more than twice as likely to progress as the controls were.

High doses of vitamin C won't help either; and may harm.

Smoking tobacco causes a tumor suppresser gene to lose its ability to kill cancer cells according to UCLA cervical-cancer researcher Dr. Christine Holschneider. Perhaps that's why women who smoke are more likely to get cervical cancer and more likely to die of it, too. Isn't it time to switch to an herbal smoke? Make your own with coltsfoot, mullein, mint, and a touch of tobacco.

From the 1938 until 1971, more than six million unborn children in the USA were exposed to the potent estrogen-like hormone diethylstilbestrol (DES or desPLEX) when it was prescribed to their mothers in the mistaken belief that it could prevent miscarriage and create bigger, stronger babies. Although studies from 1954 on found the opposite to be true - women who took DES were more likely to miscarry - this dangerous drug continued to be given to pregnant women for 15 more years.

DES daughters and sons have malformed reproductive systems, malfunctioning immune systems, and a heightened sensitivity to carcinogens. DES-daughters and granddaughters are especially likely to be diagnosed with fast-growing clear cell adenocarcinoma or cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix or vagina. Though many DES-daughters are diagnosed when young, the is no age at which the danger disappears.

The DES daughters and granddaughters that I know have remained cancer-free by attention to healthy living and regular use of red clover blossom infusion (1-3 quarts a week) and burdock root tincture (a dropperful a day, more when stressed).

"...certain cancers, such as early-stage breast, cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer and low grade lymphomas, respond very well to herbal treatments, yet seem to be aggravated and sometimes worsened by surgical procedures or other conventional treatments."

The rates of cervical cancer are four times less among women whose partners have had a vasectomy. Of course, once you already have cervical cancer, this intervention is too late.

Women who douche four or more times a month are nearly four times more likely to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Isn't douching a way to cleanse the vagina? Absolutely not. The vagina harbors beneficial organisms (mostly bacteria) that prevent infection and may forestall cancer; douching washes them away, leaving the cervix and vagina vulnerable.

A cone biopsy is real surgery, not just a biopsy. It was originally conceived of as a uterus-sparing procedure for women with cervical cancer who, usually from a desire to have children, were reluctant to undergo hysterectomy. A cone biopsy requires anesthesia and is designed not just to sample cells to test for cancer, as a biopsy would, but to remove all possible cancerous tissues from the cervix along with a clean margin of unaffected tissue.

Over-treatment of cervical carcinoma in situ is common. Except in the rare case of fast-growing microinvasive cancer, it is considered safe to explore alternative treatments for 3-12 months before consenting to surgery. A high percentage of in situ cervical cancers can be reversed.

Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material contained herein is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cervical cancer-symptoms and the cause of cervical cancer to know about

Cervical cancer: malignant cancer of Cervix Uteri or cervical area. It may present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may be absent until the cancer is in its advanced stages, which has cancer of the neck of the focus efforts screening intensive Word orders. In developed countries the prevalence of cervical screening programs has reduced the incidence of invasive cervical cancer by 50% or more.

Cervix is the lower part of uterus (womb). It is sometimes called the uterus neck. Unit (upper part) of the uterus, is where there is a growing embryo. The body of the uterus neck connects the Vagina (birth canal). Part closest to the body of the uterus neck called the endocervix. Part next to the Vagina is exocervix (or ectocervix). The place where these comply with part 2 is the name of the zone of transition. The majority of cervical cancer begin the transformation zone.

Approximately 85% of cervical cancer are squamous cell carcinomas, which develop in the flat, scaly, covering with cervix skinlike cells. Most of the other cervical cancer are adenocarcinomas, which develop from the gland cells, adenosquamous carcinomas or that develop from a combination of types of cells.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

Symptoms are not usually appear until abnormal cervical cells become the bronchi and invade nearby tissues. This will prevent the most common symptom is abnormal bleeding, which may start and stop between regular menstrual periods or may occur after sexual.

Bleeding from the vagina, which is not a normal or changes in Your menstrual cycle, which cannot be explained.

Menstrual periods are longer and heavier than before. Bleeding after douching, sexual or pelvic examination.

Pain in the urine: bladder pain or pain during urination may be symptomatic of advanced cervical cancer. This symptom of cancer of the neck usually occurs when the cancer has spread to the bladder.

The cause of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer begins in thin, flat cells that line the bottom of the neck (squamous cells). Squamous cell carcinomas account for about 80 percent of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can also occur in cells gruczolowa that line the top of the neck.

Genetic material, which originates from certain forms of HPV has been found in cervical tissue, which show the changes of the bronchi or precancerous.

The majority of cervical cancer is caused by a virus of the human papillomavirus or HPV. Get HPV by having sex with someone who has it. There are many types of HPV virus. Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital warts, but other types may not cause any symptoms.

A virus is a disease transmitted sexually. Has more than 50 types of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which affect human beings. Types 6 and 11 cause usually warts, while types 16, 18, 31 and 33 usually result in purchased cervical Dysplasia (C-2 and C-3) and carcinomas.

More than 90 percent of all cervical cancer are squamous cell carcinomas, and researchers believe that the cancer may be diseases transmitted sexually. There is ample evidence that cervical cancer is associated with sexually transmitted infections of organisms.

Chemical exposure: women who work on farms or in the manufacturing industry is likely to be exposed to chemical substances that may increase the risk of cervical cancer.

Women who have HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, often to take drugs which weaken the body's natural immunity or his ability to fight off disease. These women were also increased the risk of cervical cancer and should be closely monitored by their gynaecologist for the development of precancerous changes in the cervix.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cervical cancer-HPV Myth to see

This investigation started by My research for my book and could demonstrate that easily all cancers can be linked to chemicals and radiation causes, but there is such, that was an exception. Cuckoo in the nest and was was to cervical cancer. This cancer is now firmly established and commonly attributed to caused by a virus so many articles in this Ezine more than testify. However, the evidence proves otherwise and must demonstrate without a doubt that what have I said is true, but prior to the evidence in support of this heretical statement, let us take a look at some of the information regarding the disease. Guidance to the cause of the disease can be found in the information, which now follows.

Worldwide, cervical cancer is the third most common type of cancer in women. In accordance with the NCCC (National Cervical Cancer Coalition) around 14,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with the disease each year and more than provides women die each year from this disease. However, the number of women getting the disease in the Western world is very few compared to the rest of the world. Women in developing countries represent approximately 85% of both the annual cancer of the neck (estimated at 493,000 cases worldwide) and the annual deaths on cervical cancer (estimated at 273,500 deaths worldwide). In fact, whereas breast cancer is the leading cancer for women in the West, in most developing countries, cancer of the neck remains number one cause of cancer deaths among women. It is these statistics in mind, because what they tell us is very important as far as determining the cause of cervical cancer.

Initially, it was taken aback by the revelation and that the virus caused cervical cancer, but then I started to wonder, what was that led doctors almost unanimously adopted this idea while all other cancers has clearly shown that chemicals (or radiation) was responsible. As I looked into this more deeply, I came across the most fantastic riddle. You see, what set of doctors along a path in search of the cause of the viral disease was triggered by the report unclear in regional medical journal in Venice. Was performed by an Italian physician, surgeon and amateur epidemiolist named Rigoni Stern in 1842. It has an analysis of 150 000 deaths from the Veronese in the years 1760-1839 and concluded that with women, which die 74,184, 1288 with them were nuns. The cause of death of the nuns greatly, but many had died of breast cancer, five times more common than other women. Incidently he correctly assigned to one of the reasons for the growth of breast cancer in the nuns when compared to other women due to the Corsets they wore). He recorded four deaths from uterine cancer (cancer of the neck was not distinguished from other cancers of the uterus), while he had Expected at least six, based on 361 cases in the other women 72,896.

From this analysis slightly unclear others Saw this as proof that it was little or no cancer neck among Catholic nuns in comparison with the rest of the Italian women. Subsequent doctors endeavoured to expand on the report is unclear, adding various invented details, including the idea that cancer of the neck in prostitutes was prevalent. So from mit that nuns were to be celibate and still rare among them was cervical cancer and that the disease was said to be popular among prostitutes can only mean one thing. Cancer of the neck was due to something sexually transmitted and it was not long before this speculation became accepted as fact. Professor Skranbanek remedy the situation in perspective when He said that "a reference to the communication from the Italian unclear became de riguer in the opening paragraphs of articles on the aetiology of cancer of the neck of the uterus, but how many authors I have read the orignal? Skranbanek, appeared as Dr. Griffiths Luton Hospital, that the basis on which the theory that the virus sexually transmitted diseases was a red herring, which led to doctors after a false trail before.

One hundred years or more of the search was a search for the elusive virus, Smegma and Causing simultaneously believes that were the cause, but was eventually proven unfounded. Then came along Professor Harald zur Hausen and his team, which found that many of the HPV virus strains can be found in women, that cervical cancer. Found elusive virus and since then has established a scientific hypothesis. But it is invalid!

If you have HPV do not cause cancer of the neck as I said, although most, if not all medical would disagree with me, then what can I say is the cause of the disease? To answer this question we must first see a fantastic statistics mentioned earlier in this Treaty, because it gives us a vital clue. "Women in developing countries represent approximately 85% of both the annual cancer of the neck".

Did you know that the Office of rare diseases (ORD), national institutes of health (NIH), in the United States lists of cancer of the neck as a "rare disease"? This means that cervical cancer, or a subtype of the disease, affects less than 200,000 people in the United States, a country that has more than 300 million people. In accordance with the estimated new cases and deaths from cancer of the neck of the uterus (uterine neck) in the United States in 2007 by the National Cancer Institute are 11,150 new cases of deaths approximately 3,650. This compares to 470,000 new cases and deaths every year, 230,000 to cancer of the neck in the world, most of which occur in the developing countries. The good news is that cancer of the neck of the incidents are on the decline in the West and it is considered that the introduction of the Pap test is responsible. This may be partly TRUE, but as the one explained that cancer of the neck was already in decline before the Pap test?

The World Health Organization says that "more than 80% of the weight of this disease is readily detectable and preventable is borne by developing countries" to illustrate this WHO published a world map showing projected global occurrence of cancer of the neck for the year 2005 in various countries, and is the most informative. The reason I say this because I have seen almost an exact duplicate of this map elsewhere, that has nothing to do with cervical cancer. A map showing the energy consumption of the national wood fuels around the world. The correlation is notable and Self evident. OVERLAYS STATISTICS WORLD MAP WITH THE DISTRIBUTION OF CERVICAL CANCER AND THE MAP OF COUNTRIES THAT USE WOOD AS THEIR MAIN FUEL AND YOU CAN FIND A NEARLY PERFECT MATCH. This is not the case.

Thank You

Fred Harding

Writer and historian

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cervical cancer-early detection can help in cervical cancer treatment

Cancer of the neck is high on the list of common cancers that plague women throughout the world; it comes second after breast cancer in prevalence. More than 300 000 women die of cancer of the neck of every year, in the world, while alone, the United States 13,000 cases of cancer of the neck are diagnosed each year, with around 4000 deaths. Most cases of cancer of the neck were reported for women between 40 and age of 55years, although it is not unusual for women at the end of the infection.

However, unlike the breast and other forms of cancer, the causes and factors of getting cancer of the neck is well established, with the exception of a very limited number of cases. The culprit in most cases of cancer of the neck is the virus transmitted infections known as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus can remain in female caudal for a very long time, wreaking havoc on the cells of the cervix in the long term. Given that not all cases of HPV infections lead to cervical cancer, but what is clear is that the virus is capable of inducing abnormal changes in cervical cells. Some of these changes in cells result in medical examination known as the "high degree of tolerance", which sometimes may progress to cervical cancer.

Although HPV is recognized as a major cause of most cases of cancer of the neck, there are other factors that play a significant role in the causation and progression of cancer of the neck, they include; multiple sex partners within a period of time; This increases the likelihood of HPV infection, presence of other sexually transmitted diseases, weak immune system, which reduces the enterprise's ability to combat the virus, early sexual activity, as-mature cells of the cervix are more likely to succumb to the infection of wirusowei sometimes, cigarette smoking, although this is not conclusively established. It should be noted that the immune system is normally capable of suppressing viral activity of HPV, therefore, cancer of the neck of results only in women whose immune system may not be enough to control the virus.

PAP film are the only way to be determined for cervical cancer. This study includes brushing cells outside the surface of the cervix, and examination of the cells under the microscope for the presence of the bronchi or precancerous changes or damage. Now Word orders is routine tests for women in most developed countries, and this really helped to reduce the number of deaths, which are recorded due to cervical cancer. However, some critics argued that the test Word orders are not always accurate. It is recommended to carry out research in at least two laboratories, searching for at least two professional reviews and then compare, especially if you can see Early signs of cancer of the neck or you think you are perfectly alright, but the result of the test indicates otherwise.

Although there is no protective signs of cancer of the neck, how often progress without warning, the presence of the following symptoms or symptoms may indicate the presence of cervical cancer; vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse, or pain during vaginal discharge, exciting and unusual bleeding between menstrual periods or abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding during periods of increased frequency, urine or pain of the pelvis. Again, these symptoms are not necessarily mean you have cervical cancer, but they are justified by the reasons to go the doctor.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Cervical cancer-5 simple facts you need to know about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cervix, the woman. For another, usually slowly until it becomes invasive cancer. Carcinoma, it means that the cancer cells can spread to other parts. In relation to cervical cancer cells cancer affect the vagina, rectum, bladder, lung and liver. This type of cancer can be treated when caught in its early stages.

Reason 1) and risk factors

Here are some of the risk factors for cancer of the neck the previous infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), multiple sexual partners, oral contraceptives, early sexual contact and smoking cigarettes. There have been studies Done that establishes a strong link between HPV and cancer in the cervix. Early sexual contact and many sexual partners contribute to the development of cancer because HPV is transmitted sexually. Smoking is also a risk factor, because the chemicals in cigarettes can cause precancerous changes in the cells of the cervix.

2) the signs and symptoms

Many of the signs and symptoms of cancer of the neck is often neglected because many women think that they are associated with other diseases. This form of cancer can also be asymptomatic, which means that it does not manifest any signs and symptoms in its early stages. Symptoms of cancer of the neck to contain unusual discharge heavy and abnormal bleeding. Discharges are usually foul smell, the thickness and water. Pain in the urine is also another symptom, but this usually occurs when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Pelvic pain, which may be mild or sharp is another symptom. Other signs and symptoms are bleeding after the sexual and bleeding between regular menstrual period.

3) Diagnosis

Diagnosis of cervical cancer in its early stage is very important for the successful treatment of cancer. One of the most important methods of diagnosis used to detect this cancer is also known as Papanicolaou test Word orders. Other diagnostic procedures include cervical biopsy, Colposcopy (examination of the cervix using a microscope specialist) and x-rays.

4) Treatment

The treatment of cancer of the neck as mentioned above, has a high percentage of success after cancer is detected in the precancerous Stage. Hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is a common treatment. A cone biopsy is also an option especially for those who wish to remain fertile. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also Done in conjunction with other treatments.

5) Prevention

You can prevent cervical cancer. One countermeasure women should do to get a regular Word orders. Since the introduction of the Pap smear cancer of the cervix has decreased significantly. A smear of Word orders is available in most cancer clinics and hospitals. If your score is unusual Word orders, you must continue to ensure that you do not have cancer. Because smoking is one of the risk factors for cancer of the neck, women should not smoke and avoid being used for non-smokers. Safe sex is also a very important role in the prevention of the cancer. Sexually active women always should ask their partners to use a condom. In addition, restrict sexual partners. This does not prevent only cervical cancer, but other diseases transmitted sexually as well. HPV vaccines are also available these days, which is given to women, which are 27 years or less.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cervical cancer:this is what you need to understand about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that affects the woman. Most victims of cancer of the neck are an older woman (that is to say 40 +). Cancer of the neck is generally caused by HPV (Human Papilloma Virus), which gets transmitted through sexual contact and during a period of time (which may take years) leads to the cells of the bronchi neck.

Prevention against cervical cancer

Because HPV sexually transmitted, having multiple retrieves partners sex may be increase the chances of cervical cancer. Jalowa produced by our body are the best guard against HPV and anything that causes our immune system chronically debilitating can also help in the development of cancer of the neck. In this sense too, taking good care of health is a measure of preventing cervical cancer.

Symptoms of cervical cancer

The most common symptoms of neck cancer include pelvic pain or pain during intercourse, vaginal discharges or unexpected bleeding, increasing the frequency of urine, etc. However, such symptoms does not necessarily imply cervical cancer. These symptoms can only suggest that cancer of the neck may be able to point to the need to carry out and therefore other tests cervical cancer

The detection of cervical cancer

It is one of the best ways to detect cancer of the neck to undergo routine/regular cervical cancer screening. Cervical cancer screening (i.e. pap test or the test Word orders) is one of the best ways to catch cancer of the neck in the early stages. This test is not at all painful and simply involves brushing off the cells from your cervix for microscopic examination. Pap test results are generally listed as rated on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 indicates the normal cells of the cervix and 5 indicates signs of serious cancer. Although medical research continually attempts to create a new and better ways of detecting cervical cancer, Pap tests are the best techniques, which we are currently available for the early detection of cervical cancer. However, the pap test are not always accurate and if other symptoms strongly suggest for cervical cancer, the second round of cervical tests may be recommended by a doctor.

Treatment of cervical cancer

The treatment of cancer of the neck is effective mainly in cancer of the neck is detected when it is still in its early stages. Treatment involves surgical procedures (including the removal of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries), chemotherapy and radiation. The earlier you have the ability to detect cervical cancer, the better are the chances of cure. In fact, the pap test can even detect cancerous stage pre-and making even more effective for the treatment of cervical cancer.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cervical cancer: the purpose of the prevention of cancer can Kill You

Even though the test itself usually leads to no harm, what you do not know about Pap smears and over-reliance on reassuring results can be severely detrimental to your health. This, in fact, can kill you. The reasons for this seemingly shocking statement and other crucial things that a smart woman should know regarding cancer prevention are the subject of this article!!

Let us take a very brief little historical detour to understand why. The Papanicolaou test, shortened to Pap, is a test which scrapes cells from the uterine cervix using a small spatula and brush. These scraped cells are then reviewed under a microscope to look for abnormal or pre-cancerous cells. The Pap test has been around for approximately 50 years and was a great advance in cervical cancer prevention. Even today, since nearly 50% of cervical cancers in the US occur in women who have never been screened, and 60% of cases develop in women who have not been screened in at least 5 years, an argument has been made that widespread periodic screening of ALL women would further reduce the overall incidence of cervical cancer, and eventually eliminate it. It is certainly true that any kind of screening is better than no screening at all.

However, unfortunately, even when Pap screening is readily available, this may not alter the results. In just one example, screening had been performed in 63% of women younger than 45 who died of cervical cancer in Scotland from 1982 to 1991. Other reports note that up to 20% of women with severe pre-cancer or invasive cervical cancer had a normal Pap smear within the preceding year. Thus it appears that standard Pap screening may not be sufficient to prevent cervical cancer. Many women present with symptoms, and up to half have been recently screened with at least standard Pap screening.

The bottom line is that despite its major contribution to cervical cancer prevention, we now know that the conventional Pap smear has dangerous limitations. Using biopsies as the best available gold standard, the ability of the Pap smear to pick up pre-cancer and very early cancer may be as low as 20% - 30%. In other words, up to 80% of pre-cancerous changes can be missed if you rely on the Pap smear alone. Used alone, it is simply a yesterday or last century technology.

By the way, if you are experiencing any symptoms like abnormal bleeding between periods or bleeding after intercourse, please call your doctor right away. You need an evaluation and possible biopsies, not Pap tests or any other screening tests. Screening is defined as looking for disease in the absence of symptoms. If you already have symptoms, it is past that point. While abnormal bleeding is usually due to many possible benign non-cancerous reasons, you owe it to yourself to be fully evaluated.

It is extremely important to detect cervical abnormalities when they are still pre-cancerous. When abnormal cells are scraped from the cervix by a Pap test and detected under the microscope, it usually means that there is dysplasia or a pre-cancerous area present on the cervix. In some cases it can also be an early cervical cancer. Cervical cancer rarely develops directly from a normal area. Instead it develops over time, usually years. Cells become more and more abnormal and finally invade or start growing deeper into normal cervical tissue. When these cells invade, they are no longer pre-cancerous and an invasive cancer is now present.

When found before becoming invasive or cancerous, these lesions are not a threat to life and are usually curable with minimally invasive therapies. In other words, hysterectomy and more drastic treatments like radiation and chemotherapy are avoided.

Critical Statement: We now know that there is a sexually transmitted virus, called the HPV or human papilloma-virus, which is largely responsible for virtually all cervical cancers, AND we have a simple painless TEST FOR IT! It is not perfect but is pretty accurate.

HPV is actually quite common and most (up to 75% or three out of four ) women who have been sexually active have likely been infected at some time in their life.

There are two categories of HPV: low risk and high risk. There are multiple subtypes of each category, but the important thing to remember is that a persistent infection with high risk HPV puts you at higher risk of developing a pre-cancerous condition or cancer of the cervix. The relatively good news is that low risk HPV very rarely leads to cancer, although it can still cause you problems like cervical, vaginal or vulvar warts which can be hard to treat and are sexually transmitted. The better good news is that most HPV infections are transient. In other words, they go away on their own, usually within 9 months to a year. However, since this is a sexually transmitted virus, you can be re-infected by contact with an infected partner or a promiscuous lifestyle. So, especially if you are enjoying active sexuality, all of this is extremely important.

The bad news is that a persistent infection with high risk HPV is the single most important factor is predicting that you may develop cervical cancer. Keep in mind that not everyone with persistent HPV infection develops cervical cancer. In fact, most women do NOT develop pre-cancer or cancer. However, your risk is increased and should put up a major red flag to carefully follow-up with your doctor. If you have actually been diagnosed and treated for pre-cancer or cancer of the cervix in the past, this is relative proof that you have had a persistent HPV infection and are therefore more likely to experience a recurrent infection and/or disease.

The second piece of bad news is that there is no currently approved treatment for high risk HPV infections. However, since they usually go away spontaneously this bad news is not so bad for most women. In addition a commercially available vaccine has just been made available. The ideal time for immunization is BEFORE sexual activity begins: so between ages 8 and 13 is ideal. However, although there is incomplete agreement on this, women upto age 26 may benefit from the vaccine.

Women who are infected with HIV or are immunologically suppressed due to other diseases or medications are less likely to have their HPV infection spontaneously go away. Therefore, they are at a higher risk of coming down with pre-cancer or cancer of the cervix.

The HPV virus is sexually transmitted as noted. Contact with the genitals in some fashion must occur. However, given the variable length of time it takes for the infection to clear spontaneously, an infection does not mean that your partner has been unfaithful. The virus can live on inanimate objects for a short time, so contact with sex toys or other forms of indirect sexual contact transmission is possible.

As with anything else, there is a benefit and a risk associated with HPV testing. The main benefit is one of reassurance. If the HPV is negative, the risk of dysplasia or cancer is extremely low. The second major benefit is one of convenience, since the screening interval can be safely increased to three years instead of annual visits. However, just to be complete, there are other reasons to go to a doctor on an annual basis for well woman care. The main risks of HPV testing are related to anxiety and psychological stress of knowing about an HPV infection and wondering about how one got that infection since it is predominately a sexually transmitted virus.

Critical Statement: Caution! If you have an early pre-cancer, it can go away by itself under doctor supervision. Over-treatment is possible and can lead to scars, pain and infertility. Certainly, treatment of an HPV infection alone (i.e. no abnormal cells detected) by surgical means (including cutting, burning and freezing) is not effective and can lead to more harm than good. Discuss the risks and benefits of treatment with your doctor. If you are not satisfied with the answers, get a second opinion!

Critical Statement: Condoms do NOT prevent male-female sexual transmission of HPV. The reason for this is that the virus can be living on the scrotum of your male sexual partner. Also, the anti-spermicidal agent Nonoxynol-9 has NO effect against HPV.

Critical Statement: As far as other gynecologic cancers are concerned, the Pap was never designed or promoted to screen for these. Period. End of story!! Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. The HPV test is also only meant to be a cervical screening tool. Screening technologies for ovarian and uterine cancers are under development, but are currently woefully inadequate.

So, what cervical screening test(s) should you ask for?

The following information is based upon American Cancer Society recommendations, but also includes my evaluation of the medical literature and practice experience. In all cases, this means that these recommendations are as aggressive as is reasonable to get the optimal prevention result. The truth is that what YOU need is somewhat individualized and depends on age and personal medical history. There is no single cookie-cutter answer for every woman and you should discuss the details with your physician.

You can get screened MORE often than the recommendations offered below, but there is no added benefit based on very extensive medical studies. And, there can be some harm. Why? Because screening is NOT for cervical cancer. Rather it is for PRE-cancer. Because of this, there are usually years of time built-in for the abnormalities to change from pre-cancer to cancer, or not. Remember, some of these pre-cancerous changes will go away on their own. So, over-screening and over-treatment can lead to more harm than good. This is vastly different than recommendations for breast cancer screening, where the goal of the yearly mammogram is to detect early cancer, not pre-cancer. In this situation, the earlier the detection and the faster the treatment, the better the results. Breast cancer will NOT go away on its own. So, you see there is a big difference, depending upon what you are screening for or trying to prevent.

If you are under the age of 30:

You should have your first screening examination approximately 3 years after first sexual contact, regardless of whether or not vaginal penetration has occurred, or by the age of 21 You should get a Pap smear every 3 years while you are under 30 If your Pap smear result uncovers atypical cells of undetermined significance, otherwise known as ASC-US, testing should be done for high risk human papilloma-virus (HPV) should be performed If you are between the ages of 30 and 65: BOTH a Pap smear and HPV test should be obtained every 3 yearsIf you are over the age of 65: Routine screening is no longer recommended IF you have had adequate and recent screening with Pap and/or HPV testingIf you have had a complete or total Hysterectomy (meaning the cervix has been removed):

If the hysterectomy was performed for benign reasons, vaginal screening is not recommended If the hysterectomy was performed for precancerous cervical findings, three additional consecutive Pap screening tests should be done before discontinuing further screening. If the hysterectomy was performed for cervical cancer, the timing and frequency of follow-up examinations and vaginal screening is individualized and should be decided upon in concert with your gynecologic oncologist. If you have been treated for pre-cancerous lesions and your cervix was not removed:

Pap and HPV test should be done 6 months after treatment and both repeated after 2 years. If normal after these two screenings, routine age-dependent screening as discussed above can be resumed. If you have HIV or you are otherwise immunologically suppressed from disease or medications: Yearly screening with Pap and HPV should be performed.
What happens after an abnormal Pap or HPV test?

If the Pap is ASC-US and the HPV is negative:

Repeat both after one year If normal at this point, you can resume routine age dependent screening as discussed above. If the Pap is normal but the HPV is positive: Repeat yearly for two years If both as normal after these two screenings, you can resume routine age dependent screening as discussed above. An additional visual test called Colposcopy, and possible biopsies, is/are recommended if: Pap smear shows cells that are worse than ASC-US Pap smear shows ASC-US and the HPV is also positive The HPV test is repeatedly positive and the Pap has been, and continues to be, normal. There is some controversy in this situation, with some experts advising visual magnified evaluation earlier than others. In many cases, nothing is found, but the additional reassurance of a visual test and possible biopsies may be beneficial. In these situations, it is best to discuss all the risks and benefits extensively with your doctor.
Summary recommendations:

Get screened Get screened using a combination of Pap and HPV testing using the guidelines above Report any abnormal discharge or bleeding symptoms to your doctor early, and insist that an explanation be determined Do not think that the Pap, HPV test and routine pelvic exams reliably prevent any other cancers All of the above information is meant to aid you in making informed choices regarding screening, prevention and your health. It is NOT meant to replace your existing doctor-patient relationship, since every individual specific health situation is different. If you do not have a trusted doctor with whom you can discuss these matters, GET ONE!! Your continued health depends upon it!