Neck is at the bottom of the uterus, the place where the baby grows during pregnancy. Cervical cancer is caused by a type of virus called human papillomaviruses (HPV). The virus spreads through sexual contact. The majority of HPV infection in order to combat the body of the female sex. However, sometimes the virus cause cancer. You are at greater risk if you smoke, you have many children, the Pill for a long time or infection with HIV.
Cervical cancer may not cause any symptoms at the beginning, but then, you may feel pain in Your pelvis or bleeding from the vagina. Usually it took several years for normal cells in the cervix cancer cells to change. Provider of health care you can found abnormal cells in the Pap-test cells from the cervix under a microscope. Performing regular Pap tests and pelvic exams, you will be able to find and treat cells before they turn into cancer. Vaccine for girls and young women can protect against four types of HPV that cause most cervical cancer.
Doctors recommend that women reduce the risk of cancer of the neck with the Pap film on a regular basis. PAP test (sometimes called Word orders or cervical smear) is a simple test used to look at the cervical cells. PAP test can find cancer of the neck or abnormal cells, which can cause cervical cancer. Finding and treating abnormal cells, you can prevent most cervical cancer. In addition, Pap tests can help find cancer early, when treatment is more effective.
Stages of cancer based on the detection of cancer. Stages of invasive cervical cancer are as follows:
-Phase I: the tumor has invaded the neck below the cell a top layer. Cancer cells are only in the neck.
-Stage II: Tumor extends into the upper Vagina. You may be outside of the neck to nearby tissues to the pelvic wall (the lining of the body between the hips). The tumor is not attacked lower third Vagina or wall of the pelvis.
-Stage III: Tumor extends to the lower part of the vaginal muscles. They may also have invaded pelvic wall. If the cancer block urine flow, one or both kidneys may not work correctly.
Stage IV: Tumor of bladder or rectum attack. Or cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
-Recurrent cancer: cancer treatment, but returned after a period of time, which cannot be detected. Cancer may reappear in the neck or other parts of the body.
Women with cancer of the neck have many treatment options. Available options are surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or a combination of methods. The choice of treatment depends mainly on the size of the tumor and whether the cancer has spread. Treatment may also depend on whether you plan to become pregnant someday. Your doctor may describe treatment options, the expected results of each treatment and possible side effects. You and your doctor can work together to develop a plan for their respective to the individual needs of medical care.
Your doctor may refer you a specialist, or you can ask for references. You may want to see a gynecologic oncologist, surgeon who specializes in treatment of cancer for women. Other professionals who treat gynecologists in cervical cancer, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists. The health care team may also include a nurse Oncology and registered dieticians.
Prior to the commencement of treatment, ask your health care team about possible side-effects and the treatment you can change the normal business activities. Because the treatment of cancer lesions often healthy cells and tissues, side effects are common. Side effects may not be the same for all and may be changed in subsequent sessions. At each stage of the disease, additional treatment are available to reduce side-effects of treatment, to control pain and other symptoms and help overcome feelings, due to cancer diagnosis.
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