Thursday, September 29, 2011

Vaccine HPV and cervical cancer you can never know

In the UK a thousand women die each year cervical cancer. The good news is that these statistics may see a decrease with the introduction of the HPV vaccine. In spite of how tragic death of Jade Goody last year raised awareness about cervical cancer, there is a large amount of misinformation about cervical cancer and vaccines virus (HPV) Human Papilloma. Because HPV vaccines proved to significantly reduce the incidence of cervical pre-cancer, may have the potential to save millions of people around the world.

What is HPV, and why is it important?

Are considered to be more than 200 strains of Human Papilloma Virus, which is 30 to 40 strains are thought to infect caudal people. HPV is the most common of all sexually transmitted infections. It is transmitted by sex anal, genital and oral. In most cases, the authority is able to clear the infection within approximately 1-2 years in some people, however, the virus is not cleared by the immune system. In these cases, various strains of HPV can go to cause sexual warts and cancer.

Studies have also shown that specific HPV strains are directly responsible for the various types of cancer. In particular, 2 strains 16 and 18, are responsible for 70% of cervical cancer. From the above, we have now, the two vaccines available that have been shown to provide resistance against these strains cause cancer and prevention of pre-cancerous injury.

You can get I tested for HPV?

Is available to indicate whether a person is infected with HPV and to determine which individual strains were introduced into the body of tests. Unfortunately, these tests are not available in the NHS; they are usually only available in the private sector.

How does the vaccine?

There are currently two vaccines used in the treatment of HPV: Gardasil and Cervarix. Both provide resistance to cancer of the neck, causing strains 16 and 18. In addition to these two strains of Gardasil also protects against strains 6 and 11, which are known to be responsible for genital warts.

Vaccines work by placing small bits (or Antigen) particular cancer causing strains in the immune system. It is important to realise that these small "bits" cannot cause infection HPV. In most of the human immune system will respond to these "bits" and create a memory of those individual strains of HPV. In the future, an infected by one of these strains, the immune system will recognize them immediately. The immune System will then mount a quick reply, clear the virus and hopefully prevent it remaining in the body, where it can be painful and cell damage, causing cervical cancer overdue.

To create an adequate immunity, vaccination programme includes having three jabs. After the first injection of the second injection is taken one month later. The third injection is administered in four months after the initial injection for Gardasil and 6 months after the initial injection for Cervarix.

The vaccine is safe?

Neither vaccine contains the actual virus. Testing for both vaccines have shown that this effect was most pain and swelling at the injection site, like most childhood vaccines. Between 1-10% of the Gardasil vaccine recipients suffered bruises and itching at the injection site and developed elevated temperature. Between 1-10% of Cervarix recipients suffered diarrhea, muscle and joint pains.

Both vaccines are not recommended for women who are pregnant. As regards breast-feeding Garadsil was shown as safe, although we have no similar data for Cervarix.

National UK vaccination programme began in September 2008 using the Cervarix vaccine. Since then, there was nothing to indicate that vaccination is harmful in any way that would require the program to be terminated.

Who are the vaccine?

Trial data shows that vaccination is effective in women who have already been exposed strains 16 and 18. As HPV is sexually transmitted, is the ideal for the vaccination of people before they become sexually active.

As both sexes shall transmit the virus can be vaccinated. However, it is considered to be more cost effective vaccination only females. Thought process for this is that if enough females are vaccinated, and then should be real not to vaccinate males.

Now a program of vaccination of NHS is aimed at young girls aged 12-13, although the catch program will offer 17 age of vaccination. Vaccination is also available privately from clinic Care Quality Commission (link) registered.

How long will the vaccine protect me?

Current published research indicates that protection against HPV infection and cervical overdue bronchial changes lasts at least five years, it will be several more years before we have to learn, even if it lasts longer. Yet to be determined whether vaccination booster will be required and how well the vaccine works to reduce the number of new cases of cervical cancer.

Where can I get the vaccine?

A vaccination programme is offered in the following places:
Secondary schools
GP surgical
Clinics private
The vaccine is not available by prescription. Department of health has classified it as a childhood vaccine that may only be available through the primary care trusts (PCTS). It is the responsibility of the PCT to distribute the vaccine to NHS surgical and schools, where they will be given.

Do I still need to go to the film?

Yes! It is for every woman to go to the regular film cervical. The vaccine does not protect 100%. In addition, although it is hoped the vaccine will prevent the most common form of cancer of the neck known as squamous skin, not yet known whether the vaccine that protects against Adenocarcinoma (another form of cancer of the neck). PAP test and no physical precautions (links) are absolute essential when it comes to detection and prevention of cancer of the neck.

The Conclusion Of The

I strongly urge women to get vaccinated against HPV. Why take the risk of not obtaining the vaccine when you can save your life? If you are not already sexually active, then you are in an ideal position to receive the benefits of the vaccine. If you are sexually active, you can minimize the risk of contracting HPV by staying in a monogamous relationship. Use of condoms, if you have multiple partners (although it is still the chance of getting infected by any contact with the skin, which is not protected by a barrier). Finally, never miss a Word orders. Early detection of cancerous cells-is essential for the prevention of cervical cancer.

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