Monday, April 11, 2011

Cervical cancer symptoms which you need to know!do you want to know too

Cervical cancer was established as the second most common cancer that usually occurs in women and is the second to breast cancer. Every year, is an estimate of more than 20 000 women in the experience of the world, some Early symptoms. This type of cancer is a malignant neoplasm Uteri neck or cervical area. May be present with vaginal bleeding but symptoms may not be visible until a diagnosis of cancer in its advanced stages.

Neck is part of the female reproductive system. Is the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the upper end of the Vagina. During pregnancy women cervical operating system to help ensure that the fetus in closes the uterus until the birth. Another important role of the neck occurs while working with the cervix dilates or extends, in order to allow the passage of the fetus from the uterus, Vagina.

The development of early signs of cancer usually takes place in such a way as to progressively over a period of years, during this process the cells in the cervix to change from normal to abnormal. Change the irregularity is a base character and an indication of cervical cancer.

May be so many signs of cancer and is one of the causes of common associated with sexually transmitted infections of the virus called Human Papilloma Virus or hpv ". Although this infection does not lead to the Early signs of cancer and cancer, but then again these viral types may lead to changes and may eventually progress to early signs of cancer. Never skip these infections and treat it as soon as possible, to avoid becoming a cancer.

Here are the common signs of cervical cancer and symptoms:

Abnormal vaginal bleeding-this is the most common symptom. Women should be aware of their menstruation, bleeding after intercourse, przedswiatecznej between periods. Abnormal vaginal bleeding and sudden without any reason should be updated to Your physician to be examined.

Pelvic pain-lasting pain pan, not associated with other conditions, menstruation, or revolutionize the physical may be a symptom of cervical cancer

Vaginal discharge-when the observation that you have unusual vaginal discharge and frequent, it may be a symptom of cancer. This is a common symptom associated with any condition of women. Vaginal discharges may be or may not be a bad smell.

Increased frequency of bladder-if you frequently urinate, especially if you are not pregnant, then you might be able to have cervical cancer.

Difficulties in the benches-when there is pain or difficulty in urination, it is time to see your doctor and have a check up. It may also be a symptom of UTI (urinary tract infection) but to make sure, consult with your doctor treated earlier.

Pain during intercourse-If you feel unnecessary pain during intercourse, may have cervical cancer.

Digestive disorders-when you are experiencing chronic constipation and a sense of the tumor, even if the bowel movement

Loss of appetite-a sudden loss of appetite may also be a sign of cervical cancer.

Weight loss-weight loss is associated with loss of appetite. Loss of appetite weight loss trend is you and because you do not have the feel like eating.

Nad-fatigue-even when you are rested, but still feel a sense of wood-based and tired all the time, it may be a problem.

In order to diagnose this problem, the most common and effective method is to test smear. But in order to confirm the diagnosis of cancer of the neck or cervical cancer, in pre-should require a biopsy. Patients suffering from this disease in early stage may be treated with conservative surgery for women who want to preserve their fertility. Now for other people, they are generally advised to remove the entire uterus and cervix to prevent the spread of the disease. Infection or other health-related problems may also cause these symptoms. To make sure that if you really cervical cancer, it is advisable to see your doctor and undergo an examination. Only a doctor say, do you have professional cervical cancer or not. Early, you can inform your doctor about these cancer of the neck of the signs and symptoms, that the problems can be diagnosed and treated as well as soon as possible.

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