Sunday, October 30, 2011

What you should know about cervical cancer:you must understand this

Cervical cancer is the second most Trousseau in women worldwide, and remains the main cause of deaths associated with cancer for women in developing countries.The condition usually affects women average age or older, but it can be diagnosed in women of reproductive age. Cervical cancer are classified as either preinvasive where lower third of the epithelium contains abnormal cells, or invasive, in which the full thickness of the epithelium contains abnormally proliferating cells.

Cervical cancer develops in the guards of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb), which enters Vagina. These cancers are not always spread, but those that most often spread to the lungs, liver, bladder, vagina or rectum muscle.

The Reason For The

Cervical cancer develops almost always from the cell changes caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), which is spread through sexual contact of the skin to the skin during sexual activity. It also seems more prevalent in women who smoke. Sexual activity, which increases the risk of infection with HIV and HPV and cancer of the neck consists of the following: having multiple sexual partners or sex with a partner of unrestricted, the history of the disease is transmitted sexually, sexual at a young age.

The signs and symptoms

Early stages may be completely asymptomatic. Signs of advanced cancer may include: loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pelvic pain, back pain, leg pain, single swollen leg, heavy bleeding from vagina, leaking of urine or faeces from fractures Vagina and bones.


Research of cloacal Papanicolaou (Pap) has been used to screen for pre-cancerous lesions in asymptomatic women over the past 50 years. While the Word orders is an effective screening test, the confirmatory diagnosis of cancer of the neck or pre-cancer requires a biopsy of the cervix. Wewnatrzwydzielnicza cervical biopsy, the precursor to cervical cancer, is often diagnosed on examination of cervical biopsies by a pathologist.

Other risk factors

Women and diets low in fruit and vegetables may be at increased risk. Studies indicate that the risk of cancer of the neck goes up, the longer a woman takes oral contraceptives, but the risk of dating again after OCs are retained. Women who have multiple full term pregnancies have increased risk of developing cervical cancer.

The Prevention Of

Cervical cancer is the easiest to prevent cancer of the female sex, because there is no available vaccine and screening. The vaccine known as Gardasil provides protection from the most dangerous types of HPV, and recently published the results indicate that the new cervical cancer eventually can be reduced by as 97% in those areas where vaccination is implemented and maintained.


The treatment of cancer of the neck depends on the stage of cancer, the size and shape of the tumor, age and General State of health of the woman and her desire to have children in the future. Appropriate approach depends on the precise movements of clinical trials. Stages of preinvasive may be treated to destroy total excisional biopsy, cryosurgery and laser. Therapy of invasive squamous skin may include therapy, Hysterectomy and radiation.

Internal radiation therapy uses device filled with radioactive materials, which is placed inside a woman's Vagina to cervical cancer. Here are some of the medicines used for chemotherapy cancer cervical 5-FU and Cisplatin, Carboplatin, Ifosfamide, Paclitaxel and Cyclophosphamide.

Thirty-five percent of patients with invasive cervical cancer have persistent or recurrent disease after treatment. Recurrent cervical cancer detected in its earliest stages can be treated successfully with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of these three. Interestingly the number of patients reported significant benefits from using the Lifewave patches for pain relief acupuncture and general health.


Chance of 5 years for cancer that has spread inside the cervix walls but not outside the cervix is 92%. However, the 5-year survival rate is steadily decreases as the cancer spreads to other areas. Recently the combined use of Cisplatin and topotecan appear significantly improve survival compared with single-agent Cisplatin. If all stages combined together, the rate of five years is around 73%.

As the cancer metastasizes to other parts of the body, forecast drastically decreases because the treatment of local lesions is generally more effective than whole body treatments such as chemotherapy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What you should know about cervical cancer and HPV women work out

Cervical cancer is a malignant cancer tissue that attack neck (connecting the uterus and Vagina). There are some types of this cancer. The most common types, SCC (Carcinoma squalors), a major cause of cancer of the neck with the percentage of 80-85 percent. HPV infection is the principal in the development of this cancer "trigger".

Other types of cancer, such as adenokarsinoma, a small cell cancer, adenosarcoma, adenosquamos, and other types of Lymphoma, a type of cancer of the neck is rarer and generally not associated with HPV. Different types of cancer of the neck of the latter may not be prevented, such as SCC.

The signs and symptoms

Early stage cancer of the neck are notify bezobjawowych.

Advanced cancer of the neck showed signs of vaginal bleeding back, pain, urinary symptoms such as dyisuria (urine, painful or difficult) and cloudy urine, and digestive disorders such as chronic constipation and tenemus (still feel the tumor, although the movement of the intestines).

In addition, the pain-when intercourse and vaginal discharges is also a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. Less common symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, leg pain, leg swelling and leakage of urine or faeces from the vaginal muscles.

Carcinoma in Situ (CIS or (C))

A smear of Word orders, you can identify cancer in situ (C) in the cervical and treatment can prevent the development of cancer. (C) is a pre-malignant cells is still "in situ" or "spot" and do not move from its original position and does not spread to other parts of the body. Fortunately, in Singapore and other developed countries, the use of cervical scan program has reduced the number of individuals with invasive cervical cancer.

Women are encouraged to perform Pap smear once a year after their first sexual and continue until they have been around 70 years of age. If two or three years, the results are simply the results of Word orders, women may decide to reduce the frequency to two to three years, however, high-risk women (see below) are encouraged to continue it every year.

Not all women with HPV infection to patients with C, and not all women and to cancer of the neck, sick, or (c). Many infections HPV disappear quickly countered by the immune system, like any other infection.

However, certain types of HPV in the cervix, tend to settle for a few years, changes in the genetic input cells from the cervix and causes Dysplasia (abnormal cell growth). If not treated immediately, severe Dysplasia can and usually will develop invasive cervical cancer.

(C) usually do not show any symptoms. This is a good time to scan the treatment of cancer, because it was almost always result in a Full recovery.

Persons at risk

All women who are involved in risky sexual, sick, or cervical cancer. However, women who have many male friends have sex (or her male friend had been having many female friends for sex) higher risk. Women, who began having intercourse before the age of 16 without security risks.

He developed an effective vaccine against HPV types cause 70-85% of all cervical cancer.

HPV vaccine for girls and women aged 9-26 years, since the vaccine only works, if the infection occurs. However, this vaccine can be given to women remains relatively late sexual. The prices are expensive vaccines sometimes cause reluctance. However, since the vaccine only covers some high-risk types of HPV, women have Pap film on a regular basis, even after vaccination.


Although the test Word orders is effective scanning this cancer, confirming the diagnosis of cancer of the neck or cervical cancer pre-requires a biopsy. This is often done through Colposcopy, examination of the cervix with a magnifying lens, Visual, assisted highlight abnormal cells acid solution on the surface of the neck. This is the procedure of outpatient care for 15 minutes and does not cause pain.

Further diagnostic includes LEEP (loop electrical excision procedure), cone biopsy (Cone biopsies) and punch biopsies.

Stadium and treatment

Federation of the classification of cancer of the neck of Gynecology and obstetrics (FIGO) on the basis of the scanning to (C) (III) and (C), III (C) is the direct precursor to cervical cancer. In the upper part III C is of prime importance that have been transformed into cancer cells and are classified from stage 0 (carcinoma is confined to the area of the skin) to 4B (a relative had spread far away).

Patients with early stage may be treated with conservative surgery for women who want to maintain fertility, while other patients usually is recommended to remove the entire uterus with cervix (Trachelectomy). Generally recommends that you wait at least one year prior to seeking pregnancy after the surgery. Because of the cancer spread to the lymph nodes (Lymphadenopathy) in late-stage cancer surgeon may also need to Pick from the lymph nodes around the uterus for pathologic evaluation.

This cancer is very rare residual cancer has relapsed again if cleaned with the Trachelectomy. However, it is advisable for patients to continue prevention and treatment, including scanning Pap (with the Word orders).

Early stage tumors may be treated with radical Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) with the removal of the lymph nodes. Radiotherapy with or without chemotherapy may be given after surgery to reduce the risk of relapse. Early stage tumors may be treated with large therapy and chemotherapy. In addition, Hysterectomy can be performed for local cancer better control.

Advanced cancer (stage 2B to 4B) should be treated with a combination of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


Treatment rates of survival of cancer of the neck of the patients after 5 years he was 92% for the earliest stages, 80-90% for stage 1 cancer and 50-65% for stage 2. Only 25-35% of women with stage 3, and less than 15 per cent of the fourth stage of the cancer of the neck of the patients are alive after five years. Therefore it is very important to scan/sorting and early detection of cervical cancer .

Visit a doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

Vaginal bleeding
Back pain
Pain after the benches or difficult urine and urine's cloudy
Constipation cronies and felt the tumor, although defecation
Ill-Being when having intercourse and vaginal discharges
Swollen feet
Leakage of urine or faeces from the Vagina