Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learn the symptoms of cervical cancer and treatment easy way

Did you know that the "Cancer of the neck" is one of the most silent and the most dangerous diseases which can be thwarted by women? It is due to estradzie Symptoms are simply out to other ailments. Many women ignore the signs for they know that it is just simple Ovulation pain, but there are a large risk of cancer directly only appears when it is submitted. Cancer of the neck do not typically display its symptoms until the cancer is advanced and has. They are possible symptoms of cancer of the neck, that woman can be noted:

Abnormal bleeding: there is abnormal bleeding Vagina and in the month of bleeding may be heavy or light. Vaginal bleeding and changes can be noted that this is one of the signs of cervical cancer.

Unusual discharge heavy: boost vaginal discharges is one of the signs of this cancer. There is a foul odour and contains mucus and very thick, which is not a normal and can be directly observed.

Pelvic pain: it is not associated with a normal menstrual cycle that could be mild or severe pain which is likely to suffer, the woman. In which the pain, which suffer from the woman is so painful, with the dull ache to severe pain and may be more dangerous if it is not associated with the menstrual period.

Pain in the urine: bladder infection is, which is a pain in the urine or bladder pain and may be more risky, if cancer is spreading out in the bladder.

Bleeding between regular menstrual periods after sexual, douching or pelvic exam: neck irritation and bleeding occurs directly after sex and will also occur during douching. Menstrual periods, which could cause serious cervical infections would be cancer.

Cervical cancer begins at the surface of the cervix, which is in the cells and there are two types of cells in the surface of the cervix: column and squamos. Most of the instances of cancer of the neck can be found in the cells of the squamos. Cervical cancer usually develops very slowly and begins "Dysplasia", which is przedrakowy. Dysplasia can be easily detected by the Word orders and 100% proven treatment. Undetected przedrakowy would be the development of cancer and may spread to the bladder, lungs, liver and intestines.

Cervical cancer is almost due to HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). It is the ordinary of the virus, which is distributed by intercourse. They are caused by having sex at a young age, having many sexual partners, who participate in high-risk sexual activities and having weak immune system and the poor economic status.

Cervical cancer can be cured by the devastating and taking away precancerous tissue. There are many ways of excluding without removing the uterus, or damage to the neck in order to still have children in the future.

Surgery types early cancer of the neck:

Laser therapy-is to use light to burn abnormal tissue.

LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) is the use of electricity in order to remove abnormal tissue.

Cryotherapy-he will freeze the abnormal cells.

Types of surgery for advanced cervical cancer:

Hysterectomy-removal of the uterus but does not receive the ovaries and may be carried out by women who repeatedly are to be subjected to procedures LEEP.

Radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer-is, which later spread to the pelvis, or cancer that have returned. Is internal or external.

Chemotherapy-the use of medicines for exterminating cancer.

Friday, July 22, 2011

HPV-Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer you know

HPV is the abbreviation used for the Human Papilloma Virus. HPV causes a disease known as genital warts, but also causes cervical cancer. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world today.

There are many different types of HPV, and not all types cause wart as damage are displayed in the area of the genital organs. In fact, most people who have this disease transmitted sexually have no symptoms of the issue of their presence.

Statistics show that up to a maximum of 50% of sexually active adults pozyskaja HPV in their existence. A robust immune system probably will be able to take care of the initial infection with HPV may never even know that you had it. If you have been infected with HPV causing genital warts, you see wart as damage around the area of sexual, including on the shaft of the penis and anal area. Women with genital warts may not see any change at all if they are limited to the muscles of the vagina.

Strains of HPV that cause genital warts are classified as low-risk strains of viruses that cause cancer of the neck are classified as "high risk".

The link between cervical cancer and sexual activity was first suspected during observation (1841) nuns were never diagnosed with cervical cancer. At the same time, it was noted that the cancer of the neck was more often in women who were prostitutes. The link between the Papilloma viruses and cancer was found in tests on rabbits, but was until the Human Papilloma Virus, it was found that was a link to HPV and cervical cancer. This Problem has occurred in late 1970.

Canadian and American Cancer Society, other lists to be a risk factor for cancer of the neck as a long period of exposure of the female sex hormones found in birth control pills, smoking, HIV infection, exposure to certain hormones such as Diethylstilbestrol (DES), and genetic factors.

Cervical cancer

The neck is the opening of the uterus. When infected with strains of Human Papilloma Virus high risk of these cells may become the bronchi. Women over 30 are at more risk of developing cancer of the neck suggesting that needs time bronchial changes occurs after infection HPV. Not all women who are infected with Human Papilloma Virus will go to the development of cervical cancer.

In the United States, cancer of the neck is more widespread among the population of Hispanic and Black, who also have higher mortality from this disease. In Canada, higher rates of cancer of the neck are visible among the elderly (aged 40-59), immigrants, Australian and lower socio economic populations. In both countries believe that the rates are higher among these populations due to a lack of screening, which results in the detection at a much later stage of the disease.

The number of deaths due to cervical cancer in the past 50 years has decreased drastically due to the ability to diagnose the disease early with the Pap test. This test is the name of its author George Papanikolaou. Is a simple test requires a sample of cells from the cervix. The tissue is sent to a laboratory for examination under a microscope. Bronchial changes can be detected very early, and thus early detection improves the success rate for treatment.


When diagnosed early enough for cancer of the neck may be treated by removing the cells of the bronchi. Is in the range from the removal of cells from the cervix to be limited to a full Hysterectomy depending on the progress of cancer is and whether it has spread to the lymphatic tissue.

The Prevention Of

You can reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer by limiting the number of sexual contacts and knowing your partner status HPV. If you are sexually active, rather than in monogamous relationships, you must use the methods of barrier protection from each sexual encounter and are subject to regular screening as part of routine testing. It is recommended that sexually active women should have a gynecological examination of Word orders every three years to the age of 69.

HPV vaccine

Vaccines have recently come on the market, which provides protection from two strains of high risk HPV. Health officials are recommending all young women be vaccinated before they become sexually active. The vaccine is provided free of charge for girls in most provinces in Canada. Many countries in the UNITED STATES are trying to pass legislation requiring the vaccine, but the term only 3 have been successful in getting legislation passed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

HPV and cervical cancer-how many really know this around

"I wanna be one less, o-n-e-l-e-s-s!" Is this song permanently lodged in your brain? To the words "Tell Someone" have new meaning? You have pharmaceutical company Merck to thank. These "slogans" are from its commercials aiming to raise awareness about the link between HPV and cervical cancer and HPV vaccine, Gardasil Merck's.

Before this connection was discovered, we didn't know what caused cervical cancer and the only way to know you had it was through a pap test. Kim, 43, was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993. Throughout her treatment, there was no mention of HPV and it wasn't until years later (after beating the cancer) that she realized the cause. "I didn't even know HPV caused cervical cancer until I saw those commercials; my doctor didn't even tell me when I had it, "Kim says. "I had never even heard of HPV until the commercials and I read an article about it and said, Oh, I guess that's what I had. '"

Many women don't know much about HPV until it affects them, even though as many as 80 percent will acquire HPV at some point in their lives.

In a 2005 Health Information National Trends Survey, only 40 percent of women respondents had heard of HPV and less than 20 percent knew it could lead to cervical cancer. Think back to 2005, before the commercials worked into your consciousness, how much did you know about HPV? Probably nothing, which is scary, considering about 10 women die from cervical cancer in America everyday, according to the American Cancer Society.

There are women who develop cervical cancer who have only had one partner and women who have had several partners. Discovering the link between a virus and cervical cancer is extraordinary, but it shouldn't lead people to believe those who develop cervical cancer were reckless with their sexual health. Here are some facts about HPV and cervical cancer the 30 second TV commercials don't include-but you should know:

1. What are the ways I can get HPV? HPV can be contracted through almost any sexual contact, sometimes even oral sex. The risk decrease ' Condoms to about 70 percent, but since any genital contact can spread HPV, the skin not covered by a condom puts you at risk. Most people with HPV show no symptoms. This means that provides anyone-from your husband is your one-night-stand-could pass along HPV.

2. What strains of HPV cause cervical cancer? There are about a hundred different types of HPV, but only a few cause cancer. Most cases will clear up on their own with no treatment. Gardasil protects against types 16 and 18, which cause about 70 percent of cervical cancer cases, and types 6 and 11, which are responsible for about 90 percent of genital warts cases.

3. How can I protect myself against HPV and cervical cancer? Condoms can help protect against HPV and the Gardasil vaccine will be a big help against it as long as you don't already have the strains that cause cervical cancer.

The American Cancer Society outlines other risk factors for catching HPV and developing cervical cancer as well. They include smoking (which weakens your immune system), having sex at an early age, many sexual partners, a partner who has had many partners, sex with uncircumcised males, HIV or Chlamydia, poor diet or family history of cervical cancer. Doctors say women will not develop cervical cancer without first contracting HPV, so the best line of defense is to not get HPV at all.

4. What's the deal with the HPV vaccine? Gardasil was approved by the FDA for girls aged 9-26. They expertise getting vaccinated before you're sexually active, since the longer you wait the more likely it is that you'll already have HPV. The vaccine is given as three separate shots over six months and costs $ 360, not including the cost of the doctor's office visit. Most insurance companies cover the costs, but check before you are vaccinated. Merck also has a plan for qualified women to be vaccinated for free. So if you're uninsured or your insurance doesn't cover it, talk to your doctor about this program. Many Planned Parenthood centers also carry Gardasil and the price will depend on your insurance coverage.

5. I'm over 26, can I still get vaccinated? As of right now, Gardasil is only approved for women aged 9-26, so your insurance company most likely won't cover it if you are older than 26. Further testing is being done for other age groups so in the future that might be expanded. Talk to your doctor if you are over 26 and still interested in being vaccinated to find out if he or she will vaccinate you.

6. I already have HPV, so Gardasil won't help me, right? Actually, there are many strains of HPV, so, even if you know you already have it, talk to your doctor because you can still get protection from the other cancer-causing strains with Gardasil.

7. I'm only sleeping with one person. I don't need to be vaccinated, do I? It's not a bad idea. It's entirely possible that your husband or boyfriend could pass HPV on to you from a previous relationship. Also, I know we hate to think of these possibilities, but Gardasil can be helpful if your partner cheats on you or if you are raped by someone with HPV.

8. What's the downside to Gardasil? There are some negatives to this vaccine that you should consider. First, there may be side effects such as pain or swelling where you were injected, nausea, fever or dizziness. However, the side effects are pretty rare. Also, since the vaccine doesn't protect against all types of cervical cancer, you still have to get regular pap tests (so no saying goodbye to your yearly gyno appointments). Gardasil also does not protect against any other STDs, so protection is still very necessary during sex and it will not clear up an existing infection of HPV or cervical cancer. The high cost of the vaccine can also be a problem so be sure to talk to your insurance company and doctor to find out how much it will cost before you're injected.

In the end, it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons of the HPV vaccine, but hopefully now you can do so with a little more information than a Tell Someone commercial provides.